Tomorrow is my birthday!

Could someone let OG Eagle know?
He'll probably want to get me one of those Thomas Kincaid pictures from Wal*Mart.

49 years old. Fat and falling apart. Beginning to wonder if that next level we talk about will happen in my lifetime. I've seen many take that dream with them when they left this earth. Still believe that on Judgement day, there will be a separate line for USM fans. Can't decide if that bodes well or ill. We are a long-suffering tribe, regardless.

  • Locked
Cake and eating it, too.

You all say that no man is bigger than the program. This has been a constant refrain for years. So, let's honor GWE (he's ignoring this) and call this a FACT.

Said program has been on a roll thanks to the very hard work of some very dedicated staff members, and some very hard work by our players. I believe even OG Eagle would concede this to be a FACT.

We hire ONE MAN, and you are all about giving him carte blanche over a winning, successful program. It's HIS program, after all and he has to answer for it. So he can fire who he likes, hire who he likes, and that's just the way it is when you hire a new coach.

So which is it? Is one man bigger than the program? Well hell yeah.
Did it have to be this way? Not at all. Were these men who saved our program unable to coach or recruit at a high level? No?

So, let's call it like it really is, if we have the cajones. This program is not as big as Jay Hopson.

Well, my support, like yours, has been for USM. Jay Hopson is bigger than USM Football, so I'll let you guys do as you will.
At this point, I'd be supporting the destruction of the program I knew and loved.
I won't do that.

Hopson could easily have come in, kept everyone that wanted to stay, won anyway, and gradually brought in his own people. But he's too big for that.
It's HIS team, after all.
Not ours. HIS.
And while it's undoubtedly true that all head coaches have all the control over their programs, most don't walk through the door rubbing it in the face of the supporters.
I won't kiss up to the new boss man.
And that's MY right, because it's my money going to fund scholarships for HIS program.

This is just to explain myself. I don't care if you hate me for it. Greenwood and OG can tell you how to work the ignore button.

Bullies worried. We have become the grassy knoll

A thread posted today on 6 pack speak has them wondering. Will the webels use the Hoppy connection to keep talent away from Starkpatch?

Wanted to wait until after NSD to float this out there since I think this old man is complete bullshit and kinda insane wife (who is bear) has a grandfather "ole grandpappy" who is a retired well connected TSUN Cigar boy/Rebel Club member, told me this about future MS high school recruiting...

1. Jay Hopson, graduate of TSUN and played DB under Billy Brewer, is now head coach at USM. #TheNetwork feels any future Top 5 high-profile HS recruit in the state of MS is already in their boat and is off the table or MSU or USM. But now, they plan to pay/funnel all the "Plan B" or "grinders" or average/good players to USM and pay them NOT to go to MSU. Jay Hopson/USM will not be involved, this will all be done by TSUN backdoor channels with no knowledge from USM since they don't want Jay hurt by any violations, since he's a genuine guy trying to build a genuine program and Jay does not hate MSU/Mullen at all, like the TSUN cigar boys. Quote "Jay won't have a clue, his alma mater will be helping him build a nice product at USM" Again, these are not the high profile recruits, these are Plan B guys MSU likes to help develop.

If Jay Hop is happy with his assistants

Then I am happy. Jay is our leader. We need to back him and his assistants with all the support we can. It is a critical time for our U. Financial demands are increasing. Like Greenie said,the Eagle Club money is increasing. I think McGillis now has a fund raising team that will and is working their buns off. Too me that was our yoke,a 1 man fund raising team. I am disappointed that our OL coach is not coming back,but I trust Hop and I know he hired a great replacement.I know I am old,and most of y'all think I am crazy,but Ifell our coaching staff will step up to the plate and do and outstanding job. It is crucial that we as fans do the same thing and do our part.
