What will happen after tonight?

If WH didn't come up with some offense that works as a result of the closed practice, and we suffer another embarrassing loss. What next? Could it be the players will be so demoralized that we do not win another game? Has the AD talked to him about relinquishing playcalling?

A lot of questions may be answered with a win. WH will not be fired but maybe some of the coaches? Only time will tell. The biggest question is will Clawed watch the game?
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What is it?

IS it coaching or talent evaluation or something else. Several outside sources say we have and are recruiting well. But sometimes I look out there and we look small or slow and qb running in a direct sprint away from an almost immediate rush trying to find an open receiver that is blanketed all over the feld. We all agree we have had a lack of imagination in play calls. I guess what I am saying is do we have good players that aren't being utilized appropriately or have we misevaluated the talent level of these guys. Just wondering. I hate to start all over again. I guess what hurt the most was how flat we were playing what should be our biggest conference rival . It looked like men and boys at times and has a few times this year. I remember one time an old Ball player telling me when I a team plays like that with lack of effort and desire they want the coach fired. But I don't believe that. I just don't know. This is tough.
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This is 2012-2013 bad

I know we don’t have the money for a buyout. So we’ve been told. But we found it when we needed it post 2012. Are we at that point? I think we might be.

I’m not someone who wants to fire a coach every time the other team scores, every time we lose, or even a couple losses in a row. But enough is enough. I think I’ve seen enough to come to that conclusion. We all have. I don’t even have to bullet point reasons why, it’s right in front of our face. Once the defense forgot how to defense a few games back, we have had basically zero positives.

It looks like we’ve quit on Hall. Once that happens, there’s no going back. Players aren’t going to un-quit in 2024. Nobody on this roster will play for Hall in 2024.

In 2013, we were really bad, but they never quit on Monk and stole one the last game of the year. And look what Monk built by just 2015. I don’t think Hall can do that.
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Let's talk about this....

Look, I like Hall and wanted him to succeed, but the sample size is enough to know it isn't working.

Was the schedule harder? Sure, but even with a harder schedule losing to teams like Arky State and ODU are inexcusable.

3rd and goal from the 10 amd you run a jet sweep against a team who drops 8, rushes 3, into a condenced field. Terrible!

1st and goal from the 5, and in 4 tries you can't get it in on a defensive front without 4 starters. Terrible.

They are throwing deep all night and you are shorthanded in the secondary and leave your DB's on an island all night. Terrible

You use timeout #2 on 4th and 1 to just decide to punt the ball when the Punting unit was on the field. Terrible! That might would have helped late in the game.

Gore 29 attempts for 66 yards, 2.3 yards per attempt. Clark 7 rushes 39 yards, 5.6 parts per attempt, but he doesn't touch the ball a lot in 2nd half. Terrible!

Terrible decisions after terrible decisions, game after game, Hall's pride needs to take a hit and give up playcalling. Go to the Superback, put another blocker in and try that. The best offense Hall has coached doesn't have a QB in it, let that sink in.

Discussions should have been had tonight after the game, but Jeremy is well known to let contracts run out, Hall has 2 more seasons after this. So buckle up, we are on a runaway truck down a mountain that ain't stopping no time soon.

They closed practice for the rest of the week....

We will still get you all some football content as there will be presser at the end of the practice. I know some though this will never happen, but it did. The reason, they are not saying, but this is the first time I can remember they actually closed practice. This makes me think they will try and go back to the Superback and they don't want that out. When losing starts, sometimes paranoia sets in and coaches get scared too much info is going out. However, when doing this a coach better win, cause if it is another conference loss, there is not another person to blame.
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From Tuscaloosa newspaper, How Southern Miss got Ethan Crawford...

This is a 2022 article but timely now.

In case you were curious

I went through the play by play on ESPN so far this season to see how often we run the ball on first down, we all know the exact play, below are the results by game. Only about 4 times was it not Gore running the ball.

Alcorn: 3/12 (25%)
FSU: 5/12 (42%)
Tulane: 4/10 (40%)
Ark State: 7/14 (50%)
Tx State: 5/15 (33%) This was about 50% at halftime then we had 4 drives that were passes during the comeback attempt
ODU: 8/10 (80%)

Total for season: 32/73 (44%) that is astounding considering that for the FSU game like 5 drives started with a penalty so you were facing 1st and 15 or more which takes you out of the run game automatically and then TX state you had to pass to try and get back into the game. So if you are a D coordinator you can pretty much just run blitz up the middle on first down and feel pretty safe about it. This was me looking at a drive chart for 5 minutes, imagine what a grad assistant watching 5 hours of tape can figure out on Hall's tendencies. What's that old saying about the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Post football game report from the Student Printz...

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Post football game report from the Student Printz...

