I started school at Southern Miss in the fall of 1985 and became a big football fan. I went to every game I could. The 1985 and 1986 seasons were not the best. The 1987 season was exciting and uneven and introduced Brett Favre to the Eagle faithful. I was part of the small crowd at the game against Tulane at the Rock when Brett trotted on the field and started chunking the ball. Nobody in the crowd had any idea who the new qb was. Or how to pronounce his name. But I knew things had just changed. Brett would turn out to be a talented and frustrating qb to watch. He would do something dumb and then do something incredible.
I just checked a wiki for him and it says he started 7th on the depth chart and started 10 games his freshman season. He couldn't have started 10 games because he entered the second game of the season during the second half. I can't remember the qb he replaced and split time with the rest of the season.
The season record turned out to be 6-5 with wins over Tulane, Mississippi Sate, Jackson State, Memphis and East Carolina. A low point was a game with Texas A&M which was a loss and had a small crowd if memory serves. We played them and Mississippi State in Jackson. The Jackson State game was the first time one the D-1 schools played one of the D-1AA schools if I remember right. It was also the first time I saw the Sonic Boom play.
Jim Carmody didn't survive the 6-5 record and was let go after the season.