Was there that much difference in talent between team Mississippi and team Alabama?

I have been wondering why...

there have been many posts regarding softball, and now I know. Not many are interested in Men's basketball any longer. Why? Because they are a bottom dweller in this sport. Since the game in Montana, some say they have been sick, but how long does it take to get well? I said we would be battling MTSU for last place early this season, but they will walk all over us. Should our fans continue to be embarrassed about our program, or will there be something done?

What goes around, comes around.

Stanley, Daniel, and Gill from OM. Arguably one can say Stanley is the best DB we have had in a long time. I don't know if we tried to recruit these guys out of HS or not, but if we did, it would be weird how they ended up at USM anyway. With the remarkable success OM has had recently and the rise in the talent level, playing time may be at a premium; that may have a bearing on why these guys came to us. Whatever the reason, we may have opened a doorway.

While OM is not my favorite team, I will take any players from them that can help in our restoration. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for State. I think they have some thugs as players. Also, we may be establishing a Natchez connection.
