Thoughts about Tiger Stadium Experience vs. Rock

BR Eagle

Oct 31, 2002
Bigger is not always better.
Golden Band from Tigerland...pfff I'll take the Pride of Mississippi anyday. Although I must admit our firework intro looks lame compared to lsu.
Much easier to get to seats @ the Rock....All seats are relatively good. Any seat at the Rock is better than my endzone seat at tiger stadium.. Heard others complain who were in nose bleed seats.

RUDE of lsu to blare music (more like just noise) over loud speakers when USM band played fight song during warm ups. While many lsu fans are nice too many as @$$es. "tiger bait, tiger bait"...real cute. Wait 'til 'bama comes to town and responds, "here kitty, kitty." Especially obnoxious when they fell behind....I'm glad we at USM treat our opponents with respect.

Parking/Traffic...I'll never complain about H'burg again.

Lsu has better video boards and score highlights. It's a pain for me to drive 2 1/2 hours to the 'burg compared to 15 minutes to lsu (although longer to get out).

I enjoyed the game day experience at Houston, Superdome (Tuland & bowls) Memphis, Alabama (even though they have some rude fans) and all the bowls more than tiger stadium. Wish we would renew series with Tulane, even though they've moved back to their campus.

Last night game reminded me that I'd rather spend a Saturday @ the Rock.

Rant over.
Great points. It was first experience there, I'm glad to check it off the list but I felt cramped (actually sore this morning). I cheered after our TD the way a fan talked to me you would have thought I called his wife and kids out of their name. But the doubt and shame they had on their faces at the half was priceless. The fan did apologize after the Payne fumble (no pun)