Big Basketball commitment: Jett Montgomery

Class of 2024
6' 2" 170 lb. Guard
Independence High School
Thompson Station, TN

All state guard:

Legacy Golden Eagle
Son of Mark (WR-Football 1990-94) and Deedee (William Carey Softball and Basketball) Montgomery

Heckuva player coming to play for Coach Ladner and USM.

Coach Hall has fired some of his assistant coaches...

Men's Basketball

I tried desperately to find a word that describes the sound a basketball makes when it hits the rim on a long shot and bounces away. I thought maybe clank, clunk, clink, boink, and others. I finally settled on clank. I say this because I had to develop a new name for the team. Remember, two years ago, I named them "The Shock Troops," but that description is no longer valid. If the shooting does not improve shortly, I will call them "The Clankers."

I have been impressed with Hart. He has been the player that has improved the most since last year. Iwuakor is a hoss. So far, the best incoming player. I Like Benitez and believe he deserves more playing time.

Men's basketball shooting woes and WHY!

When I was a senior in high school, the yearly carnival came to town in the Fall. A seemingly easy game caught my attention. The object was to use a kitchen fork with the two prongs split in order to stand a Coke bottle upright. Simple right? I could not do it after several tries. He even let me use my index finger to push the bottle up. I could not do it- it fell over each time. Later that night, I saw him in the local cafe drinking beer. I asked him if I could sit with him, and he agreed. We discussed the game, and I wondered why I couldn't stand the bottle upright. It looked so simple. He told me to try it when I got home. He said 85% of people can't do it because they have paid to try, and the pressure and nerves prevent them from doing it. At home, I did it almost all the time.

So it is with the team. They are trying too hard, and the pressure and nerves are getting to them. They envision the ball missing instead of making the shot. The coaches may be focusing too much on technique instead of relaxation. No team shoots that poorly. I watched the UT and Indiana women's game last night. Those girls hit from all over the court; there is no reason our men can't either.
