Southern Miss Football makes final push before signing day.

With the first signing period of the 2019-2020 academic year getting closer by the day (Wednesday 18th), the Golden Eagle's coaches and staff are busy trying to finalize recruiting. With the number of scholarships available between 16 and 20, and the Eagles already having 12 commitments, the coaches and staff have really been able to spend quality one-on-one time with each recruit. Let's take a look at those undecided recruits that are really considering making Southern Miss their home.


Signing day and bowl social Jackson Eagle Club 12/18

Please join us on Wednesday, December 18th from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. for a Southern Miss Bowl Luncheon to be held at the Hilton Jackson in Diplomat Rooms A and B.

A po-boy and gumbo buffet will be provided along with sides, desserts and drinks for $15/person.

Southern Miss football coaches will be in attendance along with Athletic Director, Jeremy McClain. Come hear about The Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl, new football signees and all things regarding Southern Miss athletics!

Please note, you do not have to be an Eagle Club member to attend the luncheon. We welcome all alumni, fans or friends of the program.

For more information, please contact Benjie Barham (601) 421-4060.


Big Update From Practice

Both Jaylond and Quez were practicing with the team. It should be noted that grades do not come out till next week and that will decide who can play and is eligible. This was just an hour and half practice, not in full gear, but just to get everyone back accustomed to practicing again. I will say that for being the 1st practice back, the team was lose, having fun, and seemed in great spirits. More to come later with an interview with Coach Walden.

We played a beautiful BB game tonight

It shows you are not far away from being a power. We are just a couple players away from being a legit power. Let’s break the pattern of not caring,being lazy and saying what the hell. Get behind Jay. He knows how to win.He May not win the conference this year,but I can guarantee any team he plays better draw up their jock straps. This team is beginning to find themselves!

Just met the Men’s Basketball Team

So I’m walking thru the airport terminal here in Houston (Hobby airport) headed to my gate 30 minutes ago (I’m a pilot for Southwest...wearing the uniform). I see what’s obviously a group of basketball players, dressed in their sweats, waiting for their flight. When I got closer I see the Southern Miss Eagle on their equipment! Awesome!!! I walked up to one of them (admittedly I don’t know who, excuse) and introduced myself as an ‘89 grad. So ok...I’m old, deal with it. Anyway, he was the most polite young man, and after we were done chatting, all I could do was beam with pride at how they were conducting themselves. Congrats Coach should be proud as well.
