Opening week..

Anyone been able to catch last few scrimmages?

I have gotten some 2nd and 3rd hand info but not enough to carry me through this long week. Hopefully some of you can add on/verify some of this:

- Sounds like CF is still up in the air going into this week. Reed Trimble (freshman) has looked good. Blaylock inconsistent at the plate (has also been in RF) and Leblanc hasn't taken jump like they hoped he would in offseason.

- Sunday spot probably won't settle for a bit early in the season. Berry usually takes his time here but sounds like options are good with Chandler Best, Matt Adams, Dustin Dickerson (all freshman) have looked solid but Berry said to be cautious as intrasquad and game day are very different for new guys.

- Charlie Fischer is swinging bat very well. Has left the yard several times over last week of scrimmages. Probably will see him at DH.

- McGillis has looked good at times at first base, but also sounds like he has a ways to go. Austen Izzio (PRCC transfer) will probably see some time there this weekend as well.

- Guidry looks to have taken a big step in offseason as well. Swinging bat confidently and has looked better at 2B.

- On paper, this will be one of Berry's best bullpen since he has been HC.

WKU/USM basketball game.

This was a game that went down to the last couple of Mins. I learned a lot from this game. The Eagles played their hearts out and deserved to win but couldn't quite pull it off. A lucky shot by WKU sealed a victory for them. I am convinced Jay is a good coach and will be the salvation and resurrection of our BB program. He designed some beautiful plays toward the end of the game. I believe the players will improve ball handling and learn defensive skills by next year and the years to come. I was impressed by the play of Stevenson, Watson and Leslie. A good threesome for next year. If we can secure a good PG and a little more height in the middle, look out next year. Although this loss really mad me a bit melancholy given the hard play by our kids, I feel a lot better about years to come.

Battle for the Bottom

UTEP 4-7
Rice 3-8
USM 3-8
MTSA 2-9

It was a costly loss of USM last night. MTSA goes head to head with Rice on Saturday and then plays UAB in the last 2 games. Rice on the other hand plays UAB and Char both games at home. We have a tough game coming up with WKU and then the two Fla Schools. With UTEP having games that may be hard to win, it is possible for RICE to pass them. .I just hope we can win the next two out of three. It is going to be very exciting.
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Thoughts on the OC position at Southern Miss

Well, for the 2nd straight offseason, Southern Miss is looking to fill the Offensive Coordinator position. Last season saw the addition of Buster Faulkner as Co-OC with Scotty Walden (Buster did call the plays) after former OC Shannon Dawson left Southern Miss for a position at Houston. This year is the same story, but a little different, as Faulkner left for a position on the staff at Georgia. The difference is, there is some continuity in place with Co-OC Scotty Walden still on staff. When will Coach Hopson make his decision on the direction he wants to take?

