USM aulm State Rep. Palazzo

J Grubbs

Feb 1, 2008
won the Republican primary in Congressional District 4 last night. Steven is a season ticket holder and attends all USM home football games. Please remember him in November.

That's awesome. I know Clawed Balls isn't happy about this.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by Southern Miss Golden Eagles:
Steven is a good guy and will do a great job for Mississippi in Washington.
Absolutely!!!! He is a real STAND-UP guy!!!! Lets help to get him elected in November guys...
He will be a lost ball in the tall grass in DC. He isn't a force in Jackson, much less DC.
That's awesome. I know Clawed Balls isn't happy about this.

What is that guy ever happy about?
Originally posted by PaulDel:
He will be a lost ball in the tall grass in DC. He isn't a force in Jackson, much less DC.

This. There's absolutely no way I'd trade our current Representative just because of the letter next to his name - particularly not in an environment like this.
Originally posted by eaglexcellence:

Originally posted by PaulDel:
He will be a lost ball in the tall grass in DC. He isn't a force in Jackson, much less DC.

This. There's absolutely no way I'd trade our current Representative just because of the letter next to his name - particularly not in an environment like this.


OK, you are in favor of the numbers that it takes to keep that toothy Pelosi in the chair??

What has the man with the wrong letter behind his name done that a good Republican wouldn't have done? He can't work with either party and will never have an important committee, let alone a chairmanship.

What is the invironment for which Taylor is important?
Originally posted by SeniorEagle:

Originally posted by eaglexcellence:

Originally posted by PaulDel:
He will be a lost ball in the tall grass in DC. He isn't a force in Jackson, much less DC.

This. There's absolutely no way I'd trade our current Representative just because of the letter next to his name - particularly not in an environment like this.


OK, you are in favor of the numbers that it takes to keep that toothy Pelosi in the chair??

What has the man with the wrong letter behind his name done that a good Republican wouldn't have done? He can't work with either party and will never have an important committee, let alone a chairmanship.

What is the invironment for which Taylor is important?

I believe the numbers will shift enough to pressure Pelosi out without replacing ALL of the "blue dogs." Taylor is far and away more influential in DC than anyone else we could put into office.

Replacing people for the sake of replacing them will get us nowhere. A Republican will go in there and do just as terrible of a job - I can see no benefit in putting a rookie in at key stages of the game.

Ask yourself, other than Cochran, which of our other leaders, irrespective of party affiliation, is doing us as much good as Taylor?

I think the recent elections have foreshadowed what November will look like - there will be enough of a shift to bring the far left down from its perch without taking chances on unproven folks with little to no influence.
Originally posted by PaulDel:
He will be a lost ball in the tall grass in DC. He isn't a force in Jackson, much less DC.

You are right, Paul. The best man lost, but that's what happens when it's a popularity contest. Joe Tegerdine was a much more qualified candidate and would have served South Mississippi and USM much better than Palazzo, who is just another hack politician. But that's also what happens when 75% of the electorate is poorly or totally uninformed.
USM '74
This post was edited on 6/2 12:28 PM by Clawedballs
Originally posted by Heisman426:
That's awesome. I know Clawed Balls isn't happy about this.

What is that guy ever happy about?

I'm happy that my happiness doesn't depend on your approval.
USM '74
Teg just moved to mississippi, so he was not the best candidate. I will vote for change and southern miss at the same time with steven.
Posted from[/URL]
Anyone that would vote for a Democrat next November is endorsing Socialism and the continued destruction of this country.
Originally posted by HowBoutDemEagles:
Anyone that would vote for a Democrat next November is endorsing Socialism and the continued destruction of this country.


That's a broad brush you paint with. To each his own. Let's see what a different party and a brand new, inexperienced face gets little ol' MS in DC. My guess is next to nothing.
I was not really for or against either canidate. I think both will be much better for South Mississippi than Taylor I have never voted for him and never will. I don't know Teg or Steven personally I have worked at Tegs house and I am very good friends with some of his business partners and I can tell you they are Huge Supporters of Southern Miss and if he would have won we would still be in good shape.

Let's get it done this time and send Gene to the unemployment line.
Originally posted by eaglexcellence:
Originally posted by HowBoutDemEagles:
Anyone that would vote for a Democrat next November is endorsing Socialism and the continued destruction of this country.


That's a broad brush you paint with. To each his own. Let's see what a different party and a brand new, inexperienced face gets little ol' MS in DC. My guess is next to nothing.

See, that is problem. Everyone wants to vote out the people in Congress, except for their Congressman, that can ring up the debt even more by bringing goodies to their area. Got news for you, this country is flat broke and getting more broke everyday. Pelosi, Reid and the Democrats are running the show right now and they have to be removed from leadership. I am not happy with Republicans either and want new blood there also. For now to stop this runaway train of this country's destruction, the first step has to happen in November with the Democrats being removed from control of Congress. Voting for any Democrat would be a very bad choice. If some good Democrats have to go, so be it.
Originally posted by eaglexcellence:
Originally posted by HowBoutDemEagles:
Anyone that would vote for a Democrat next November is endorsing Socialism and the continued destruction of this country.


That's a broad brush you paint with. To each his own. Let's see what a different party and a brand new, inexperienced face gets little ol' MS in DC. My guess is next to nothing.

Ignore it if you must, but he's basically right. Democrats are all about Big Government. Republicans' problem of late is they have tried too hard to be "Democrat Lite", and conservatives are tired of it.

Joe Tegerdine was endorsed as the Tea Party Conservative in this race, the one to help reign-in spending, confiscatory taxation, and moral decay. That is what we need in Washington right now, and a Democrat will not provide any of those attributes, and I'm afraid Palazzo won't either.
USM '74
It gets us another vote against Obama's push to turn the US into a welfare state.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by Legendary Eagle:
It gets us another vote against Obama's push to turn the US into a welfare state.
Posted from

If Republicans can't win control of Congress in November and start the process of repealing ObamaCare, the end of life as we know it in this country will happen. Just today, Canada has announced that their socialist healthcare is far more expensive than they can afford and it has to change. The European socialist model Obama wants to model this country after is proving to be a huge failure now. Greece was just the first European country to go broke. In Pelosi's, Reid's and Obama's country more people in this country will have a stake in the welfare state than free enterprise and we will have a country where people that had governed themselves will become subjects of the state.
Ya'll are trying too hard to boil this down to simplistic, team-based scenarios.

The climate is shifting back toward conservatism, and I welcome the approach. But Taylor is no Reid or Pelosi, and simply getting a reasonable balance back to the houses will allow him to still do fine for us.

Again, no one but Cochran and Lott before him has proven themselves more willing to go to bat for Mississippians. Whoever the new guy is will get pushed around like a 5th grader in a HS game in the current elbows-to-elbows environment.

I don't want anyone to "bring the goodies" - I just want someone who has MS in mind no matter what it means for a personal political career. Taylor has never given me any reason to believe that he is failing us in that regard. In the process, he has gained trust and power in a capital that does not take that lightly. Good luck replacing him with a new person with no connections and getting that same respect.

I'm sure Palazzo is a great guy and can make a great leader one day - please don't take my opinions as disrespect. I just think that the tides are already shifting, and replacing those in your interests in a shaky environment is a recipe for disappointment.
Originally posted by HowBoutDemEagles:

Got news for you, this country is flat broke and getting more broke everyday.

1.) Is there a level of broke lower than "flat broke"?
2.) Isn't there a board for all the politicos to spout off their political opinions without littering a sports board with it?
Originally posted by SeniorEagle:

Originally posted by eaglexcellence:

Learn before you talk. He is presently Chairman of the Armed Services Subcommittees sub Committee on Forces and Facilites. That is the Committee that decides what bases get what forces and what money is spent on those bases.

Originally posted by PaulDel:
He will be a lost ball in the tall grass in DC. He isn't a force in Jackson, much less DC.

This. There's absolutely no way I'd trade our current Representative just because of the letter next to his name - particularly not in an environment like this.


OK, you are in favor of the numbers that it takes to keep that toothy Pelosi in the chair??

What has the man with the wrong letter behind his name done that a good Republican wouldn't have done? He can't work with either party and will never have an important committee, let alone a chairmanship.

What is the invironment for which Taylor is important?

vAnd as for "a good republican" just check the latest polls and see what the people think of the Republican Party, their numbers are lower than the Pres or the Democrats in Congress. You think they are going to hold BP's feet to the fire? I believe in offshore exploration, but ever since Dick Cheney's "energy conference" the fox has been guarding the hen house. I am watching the industry I grew up in, and one that my family worked in for generations die because of Mr. Dick's lack of oversight and desire to make Haliburton and its clients the decision makers and put profit over safety. I agree they should make a profit, but it it can't be made without unreasonable risk to their employees and the enviornment, then they need to go back to the drawing board.
Originally posted by eaglexcellence:
Taylor is no Reid or Pelosi, and simply getting a reasonable balance back to the houses will allow him to still do fine for us.

If you do some research you will find that he and his voting record are very much like individuals you mentioned. What he says to WLOX and the Sun Herald and what he does in Washington are two very different things.

If voting for Pelosi for Speaker of the House wasn't a wake-up call on Taylor for you lets do a little digging on Taylor's overall voting record.

Over the course of the last 4 years Gene Taylor has voted in lock step with Nancy Pelosi 70% of the time. He has cast identical votes to Barney Frank 81% of the time and agrees with Charlie Rangel 83% of the time.

If you want to vote for Gene Taylor because you believe in him and his policies (which are 70+% liberal) then that's well and good.

Just educate yourself, because if you believe that you are voting for a conservative when you cast a ballot for Gene Taylor then you are just mis-informed on what the man really stands for.
I don't follow Mississippi politics much anymore, though Jackson is my hometown and my brother still lives there, but I do have one thing to add to this discussion about the president....Four More Years Baby!...Black/Gold
Originally posted by PaulDel:
Originally posted by SeniorEagle:

Originally posted by eaglexcellence:

Learn before you talk. He is presently Chairman of the Armed Services Subcommittees sub Committee on Forces and Facilites. That is the Committee that decides what bases get what forces and what money is spent on those bases.

Originally posted by PaulDel:
He will be a lost ball in the tall grass in DC. He isn't a force in Jackson, much less DC.

This. There's absolutely no way I'd trade our current Representative just because of the letter next to his name - particularly not in an environment like this.


OK, you are in favor of the numbers that it takes to keep that toothy Pelosi in the chair??

What has the man with the wrong letter behind his name done that a good Republican wouldn't have done? He can't work with either party and will never have an important committee, let alone a chairmanship.

What is the invironment for which Taylor is important?

vAnd as for "a good republican" just check the latest polls and see what the people think of the Republican Party, their numbers are lower than the Pres or the Democrats in Congress. You think they are going to hold BP's feet to the fire? I believe in offshore exploration, but ever since Dick Cheney's "energy conference" the fox has been guarding the hen house. I am watching the industry I grew up in, and one that my family worked in for generations die because of Mr. Dick's lack of oversight and desire to make Haliburton and its clients the decision makers and put profit over safety. I agree they should make a profit, but it it can't be made without unreasonable risk to their employees and the enviornment, then they need to go back to the drawing board.

I hope you have a link to prove that bold comment that Republicans have a lower rating than Democrats. I am calling b.s. on that.
Originally posted by PensacolaEagle:
I don't follow Mississippi politics much anymore, though Jackson is my hometown and my brother still lives there, but I do have one thing to add to this discussion about the president....Four More Years Baby!...Black/Gold

..and I give you Exhibit "A" in the argument about why this country is so screwed with its leadership. Lord have mercy.
USM '74
Originally posted by HowBoutDemEagles:

I hope you have a link to prove that bold comment that Republicans have a lower rating than Democrats. I am calling b.s. on that.

I bet I could find polls that say both. Most polls are a joke and both parties are even a bigger joke.
Originally posted by Lanny Mixon:

Originally posted by eaglexcellence:
Taylor is no Reid or Pelosi, and simply getting a reasonable balance back to the houses will allow him to still do fine for us.

If you do some research you will find that he and his voting record are very much like individuals you mentioned. What he says to WLOX and the Sun Herald and what he does in Washington are two very different things.

If voting for Pelosi for Speaker of the House wasn't a wake-up call on Taylor for you lets do a little digging on Taylor's overall voting record.

Over the course of the last 4 years Gene Taylor has voted in lock step with Nancy Pelosi 70% of the time. He has cast identical votes to Barney Frank 81% of the time and agrees with Charlie Rangel 83% of the time.

If you want to vote for Gene Taylor because you believe in him and his policies (which are 70+% liberal) then that's well and good.

Just educate yourself, because if you believe that you are voting for a conservative when you cast a ballot for Gene Taylor then you are just mis-informed on what the man really stands for.

And 50% of the stuff they vote on is pointless and most anyone who is there to vote can agree on it, thus heavily skewing statistics on voting tendencies. The answer is never in the stats - it's always in the data.

Taylor is labeled a Blue Dog and not liked by all of his "party" members for a reason.

Simply witch-hunting people for what their affiliation will get us nowhere - especially in a country dominated by 2 parties. If there were 10 parties with specific platforms that they strictly adhered to, it might make sense. As it is, it gets us nowhere.

I think we will regain enough to sway the political landscape without going after Blue Dogs like Taylor.
I don't doubt Steven will have a steep learning curve in did Gene. But the learning may as well start now. Steven doesn't seem quite as polished as Teg or Gene. However, I look for ingrained traits first that cannot be picked up with a communications degree or years in D.C.... such as basic honesty, love or place that comes with being raised there, love of school that comes with attending and obtaining degrees, love of country evidenced by service in marines. Give me someone with these basic traits and the rest will come. May take some time but it will come and he will be our congressman. Add this to Phil Bryant as governor and our gains on the college board and the coffee pot is perking indeed. Most power we have had in a while and it will be good to the last drop.
Originally posted by Funkyfedoras:

Originally posted by HowBoutDemEagles:

I hope you have a link to prove that bold comment that Republicans have a lower rating than Democrats. I am calling b.s. on that.

I bet I could find polls that say both. Most polls are a joke and both parties are even a bigger joke.

Both Gallup and Quinnipiac polls for the past 3 months have had the same view of the Republicans. By the way, both of them have been more accurate on the outcome of elections for the past 4 years than any other.

Even the Republican members (not the leadership) has admitted that they are having a hard time reestablishing the brand anywhere but in the deep south even with the bad times. Independents have been backing away from the Dems, but they are not going to the Republicans. They are taking a wait and see.
Ignore it if you must, but he's basically right. Democrats are all about Big Government. Republicans' problem of late is they have tried too hard to be "Democrat Lite", and conservatives are tired of it.

Joe Tegerdine was endorsed as the Tea Party Conservative in this race, the one to help reign-in spending, confiscatory taxation, and moral decay. That is what we need in Washington right now, and a Democrat will not provide any of those attributes, and I'm afraid Palazzo won't either.
USM '74
And again Mr Postive Clawballs joins the discussion. Do you ever post anything positive? Are you not a happy person?
Palazzo is from the Coast, while Tegerdine is not. District 4 is the Coast's domain...pure and simple.

If we are debate Gene Taylor, then let's discuss his voting record not his party. They don't call them "blue dogs" for nothing. Taylor....
* pro-troops, even pro-war( Iraq surge) compared to most Democrats
* pro-USA, anti-globalist, anti-NAFTA, not "free trade"
* voted to impeach Bill Clinton 4 times
* voted to name National airport in honor of Ronald Reagan, unlike party
* is pro-life, unlike most Democrats
* favors traditional marriage
* pro-guns, pro-NRA
* opposes affirmative action and other harmful "civil rights" laws
* strict on immigration
* opposes union rubbish such as "Employee Free Choice" act
* favors a balanced budget
* feels that 2/3 majority should be required to raise taxes
* refused to endorse Obama in 08
Originally posted by THOTH:
Palazzo is from the Coast, while Tegerdine is not. District 4 is the Coast's domain...pure and simple.

If we are debate Gene Taylor, then let's discuss his voting record not his party. They don't call them "blue dogs" for nothing. Taylor....
* pro-troops, even pro-war( Iraq surge) compared to most Democrats
* pro-USA, anti-globalist, anti-NAFTA, not "free trade"
* voted to impeach Bill Clinton 4 times
* voted to name National airport in honor of Ronald Reagan, unlike party
* is pro-life, unlike most Democrats
* favors traditional marriage
* pro-guns, pro-NRA
* opposes affirmative action and other harmful "civil rights" laws
* strict on immigration
* opposes union rubbish such as "Employee Free Choice" act
* favors a balanced budget
* feels that 2/3 majority should be required to raise taxes
* refused to endorse Obama in 08

Exactly. He's conservative, he just doesn't have an (R) by his name. God help us if we are counting on that (R) being the saving grace on how to turn things around. Taylor is not a problem, and replacing him for the purposes of "proving a point" will only hurt MS.
Originally posted by eaglexcellence:
Exactly. He's conservative, he just doesn't have an (R) by his name.

I am sorry, he has made a few conservative stances in 20 years, but on the whole he is not a conservative. If you want to support the guy because you believe in his 80% Liberal and 20% conservative platform, then that's your right to do so, just stop pretending that Taylor is something that he clearly is not.

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