is something I can't get off my mind. He said that he went for 3 instead of going for a TD with 4 min left because he was thinking about point differential and winning a championship. So OK, he didn't know how the tie breakers work, but shouldn't that be a contingency that you consider the whole week? This is what GA's are for!!!
We always talk about the team is getting better and more talented every year, and I do agree with that. Here is the question I put towards you all. We saw Fedora grow as a coach every year, IMO Monken grew as a coach every year, but has Hopson grown as a coach since he first arrived? Just like a team must get better, so must the coaches. I would love to hear you guy's thoughts.
We always talk about the team is getting better and more talented every year, and I do agree with that. Here is the question I put towards you all. We saw Fedora grow as a coach every year, IMO Monken grew as a coach every year, but has Hopson grown as a coach since he first arrived? Just like a team must get better, so must the coaches. I would love to hear you guy's thoughts.