Open mouth, insert foot!


BGN Pro Poster
Gold Member
Sep 18, 2006
Knuckleheaded Republican senatorial candidate in Missouri really did alot to help the Dem get re-elected. I have seen some boneheaded moves in my day, but this one is a doozy...Black/Gold
It's Missouri. He'll probably still win. No worse than any of the numerous gaffes made by Obama/Biden, including the racist comment a few days ago about putting black people in chains. But my favorite was when Biden was giving a speech, and told the wheelchair bound guy to stand up and let everyone see him. If anyone knows anything about putting their foot in their mouth, it's Biden. That's why I can't freakin' wait until the veep debate when we have one of the more intelligent Republicans in Washington going up against a complete dufus.

This post was edited on 8/20 10:17 PM by Legendary Eagle
Originally posted by Legendary Eagle:
It's Missouri. He'll probably still win. No worse than any of the numerous gaffes made by Obama/Biden, including the racist comment a few days ago about putting black people in chains. But my favorite was when Biden was giving a speech, and told the wheelchair bound guy to stand up and let everyone see him. If anyone knows anything about putting their foot in their mouth, it's Biden. That's why I can't freakin' wait until the veep debate when we have one of the more intelligent Republicans in Washington going up against a complete dufus.

This post was edited on 8/20 10:17 PM by Legendary Eagle
Biden will make him look wet behind the ears, which he is in a National sense. Karl Rove's group pulled their support from Missouri, doesn't say much for this guy. My bet is that eventually he resigns, under pressure from the RNC, and let's someone else, an appointee, try to win the seat, which was made much more difficult by this blunder...Black/Gold
LMAO!!! Palin showed Biden up in 2008. All he could do was mumble about how he rides the train to work. Paul Ryan is an encyclopedia of statistics and knowledge that show how horrible the Obama reign has been. Biden is going to get absolutely demolished, and I'm going to love every minute of it.

Romney will most likely do the same to Obama. Now that Obama actually has a record of failure, he has nothing to talk about. All of his "hope and change" BS will be laughed at by the American public. Of course, Obama will still have his blind supporters that are in love with him, and don't care about the fact that America is crashing and burning under his leadership. However, most Americans with the ability to think for themselves see him for the fraud that he is. Only foolish people are still under that snake charmer's trance.
Originally posted by KAGoldenEagle:
It's always refreshing to come here and watch you two love birds bicker.
That's what this board is for. Don't come here if it bothers you.
Well, the Missouri Knucklehead did not resign today, after practically being begged by everyone in the Party, including a personal phone call from Ryan. I admit I am surprised. I give him credit for standing his ground and not resigning. Unfortunately for the GOP, it will keep the issue of abortion, rape, women's health and all related subjects in the forefront of the media, and therefore the electorate. Romney wants to turn the debate elsewhere, where he believes his strenght's are, and away from a major weakness.

The President will roll Romney up and smoke him, much like the pot he used to smoke, when the debates come. Romney has no center, no passion, and it will come across on TV almost as much as Nixon/Kennedy. Can't wait! Ryan will look like a youth in training against Biden. I don't discount Ryan's intelligence, but his brashness will not play well against the wit and charm of Biden. I would rather watch Palin, she has a couple of nice attributes that neither of the others have!

KA you are welcome to join the debate, the more opinions the better, besides, I have been destroying Legendary with half my brain tied behind my
Originally posted by PensacolaEagle:

Well, the Missouri Knucklehead did not resign today, after practically being begged by everyone in the Party, including a personal phone call from Ryan. I admit I am surprised. I give him credit for standing his ground and not resigning. Unfortunately for the GOP, it will keep the issue of abortion, rape, women's health and all related subjects in the forefront of the media, and therefore the electorate. Romney wants to turn the debate elsewhere, where he believes his strenght's are, and away from a major weakness.

The President will roll Romney up and smoke him, much like the pot he used to smoke, when the debates come. Romney has no center, no passion, and it will come across on TV almost as much as Nixon/Kennedy. Can't wait! Ryan will look like a youth in training against Biden. I don't discount Ryan's intelligence, but his brashness will not play well against the wit and charm of Biden. I would rather watch Palin, she has a couple of nice attributes that neither of the others have!

KA you are welcome to join the debate, the more opinions the better, besides, I have been destroying Legendary with half my brain tied behind my
Nah. It will blow over in a couple of weeks, just like the Chick-Fil-A thing did. It will be a forgotten memory by election time. Besides, the abortion issue helps Conservatives more than liberals. According to national polls, only 20% of Americans fully support abortion. 77% of Americans either think that some or all abortions should be illegal.

I don't know know what's going to happen with that guy. I've seen a lot of interviews with MO voters that say the comments didn't change their support for him. So far, I haven't seen any comments from anyone that is changing their vote because of the gaffe. Polls taken since the comment shows that he still holds a large lead over McCaskill. I think that a Conservative could make that same quote in MS, and still win the election. I don't think MO is quite as conservative as MS, but it's still a pretty conservative state. I think he can still win. I mean, look at the alternative. You think conservatives are going to vote for a filthy Democrat just because he made a stupid comment that has been blown out of proportion by the liberal media? I don't think so.

I was impressed with Romney in the Republican primary debates. He was well composed, very articulate, and very presidential. Compare that to Obama, who comes across as aloof, arrogant, and disrespectful. And the debates won't be about future plans. They will be about the enormous failures of the Obama Regime over the last 4 years. Obama will be exposed as a fraud and a failure, and Romney and Ryan will be celebrating in November.

As for the veep debates, the fact that you think that Biden the dunce even stands a chance against Ryan is laughable, and just shows your complete ignorance about politics, and life in general. You live in a fantasy world, which is typical of liberals. Your fantasy worlds are much more pleasant that the real world that your politicians are destroying with their socialist policies.
I was all for wanting him to leave the race till I actually saw what he said.

He said that a woman is less likely to get pregnant during a rape than from regular sex. Which is true.

It was just terribly worded. Are we really after people just for saying things badly worded these days even if they apologize?

Or maybe he said something worse and I missed it.
Here are his exact words

Speaking to Missouri television station KTVI on Sunday, Akin explained
his opposition to abortion being legal in the case of rape. "From what I
understand from doctors, that's really rare," he said of rape-induced
pregnancy. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try
to shut that whole thing down."

I don't know where the outrage is coming from. Is it from the "legitimate rape" comment? Is it from the stupid and incorrect comment that the female body can "shut it down"? I don't know. The comment that it's rare is true. Less than 1% of abortions are rape cases. The comment about "legitimate rape", while poorly worded, is also true. So many women today cry rape after regretting their decision to sleep with some that they're making it difficult for actual rape victims. The last comment is just stupid, but if we disqualified candidates for making stupid remarks, we wouldn't have anyone left to vote for.

As usual, the liberal media has worked the public into a frenzy in an attempt to put all Conservatives in a bad light. They have forced Republicans to denounce Akin, so he now has no allies in this. If it wasn't an election year, the comments would barely raise an eyebrow. But since the media is in the midst of actively campaigning for liberals, we find ourselves in this bizarre situation.

If he maintains his big lead over McCaskill, then I think he should stay in the race. This will blow over, just like Obama and Biden's numerous gaffes have, and we can get back to normal. But if his numbers start to slip, he needs to step down. We can't afford to lose that election. Republicans will have the White House and the House for sure after November. We need the Senate to make it a clean sweep, and to be able fix the Obama mess.
Jeez, I was being legit LE, not sarcastic. I know that's what this board is for and I come here to read what you guys post and it's usually informative and entertaining. I don't lean to heavily right or left, so it's always interesting to see the different sides of the coin.
Originally posted by KAGoldenEagle:
Jeez, I was being legit LE, not sarcastic. I know that's what this board is for and I come here to read what you guys post and it's usually informative and entertaining. I don't lean to heavily right or left, so it's always interesting to see the different sides of the coin.
lol. My bad. I thought you were just being one of these...

Legendary, I believe the reaction to his remarks are based on "Legetimate" and "able to shut the whole thing down". Ryan is running from these remarks as quickly as he can because he has legislative history with the guy, and his views are more restrictive than Romney's, at least I think so, can never tell about Romney because he has no center, is on both sides of any arguement.

I think if you will look back, Herr Hannity has been one of the most vocal calling for the Missouri Knucklehead to step aside. I don't think anyone can confuse Hannity with liberal media. The Rush Man was also on the bandwagon, another less than Liberal media outlet.

I see where the RNC has adopted a Personhood article into the planks of the Party, something the party stands for. Is it any wonder why the President enjoys a double digit lead among women voters? Let me see, Hispanic's, Woman and African American's favor the President by very wide margins. Romney is going to loose this election, and that is why. Michael Steele and George Bush were correct in trying to widen the party to include more divergent people, this new crop have proposed stances that have done just the opposite. Won't be long before the Republican party is nothing more than a bunch of elderly white guys. Nothing wrong with elderly white guys, I hope to be elderly one day, and I am dang sure white, but that is not how you win National elections. The nations demograpics are changing, like it or not...

Hey KA, hope you will join the fray. Always nice to hear different voices. Democrats are difinitely a minority on this board, mostly it's because we have bigger
Originally posted by PensacolaEagle:

I see where the RNC has adopted a Personhood article into the planks of the Party, something the party stands for. Is it any wonder why the President enjoys a double digit lead among women voters? Let me see, Hispanic's, Woman and African American's favor the President by very wide margins. Romney is going to loose this election, and that is why. Michael Steele and George Bush were correct in trying to widen the party to include more divergent people, this new crop have proposed stances that have done just the opposite. Won't be long before the Republican party is nothing more than a bunch of elderly white guys. Nothing wrong with elderly white guys, I hope to be elderly one day, and I am dang sure white, but that is not how you win National elections. The nations demograpics are changing, like it or not...
Most of the women that I know oppose abortion, so all of this "war on women" nonsense being pushed by the left is completely meaningless. Women aren't stupid, and they aren't going to fall for the social issue nonsense. Women with conservative values aren't going to suddenly vote for Obama because Republicans want to save the lives of children.

A lot of blacks will stay home this election. They got their black president, and that's all they really cared about last time. All of that hype is gone. Obama has done nothing for black people, other than increase their rate of unemployment, and make it harder for them to survive. They aren't inspired to go to the polls this time, so they'll stay home like they usually do. The black vote is what won the election for Obama last time, and it's what's going to lose it for him this time.

The stereotype that only old, white, Christian men are Republican is ignorant and naive. Most young, working couples that have jobs and children to support lean conservative. We are the ones that have to pay taxes. We are the ones damaged most by liberal policies. Democrats tend to be made up of feminists, movie stars, wealthy elitists, homosexuals, hispanics, blacks, and young people. Most of those people are too lazy to vote, so that's why Republicans tend to win more elections over a wider area.

The fact of the matter is that statistics show that America is middle-right. Always has been, and it doesn't appear to be changing at all. The Republican party is going nowhere, and is actually getting stronger every day that Obama is in office. Romney dwarfing Obama in fundraising proves that. Americans aren't fools. They see what a failure Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and their ilk are. That's why Republicans destroyed Democrats in 2010. And that's why there's a strong possibility that Republicans will control the WH, House, and Senate after November.

Originally posted by PensacolaEagle:

Democrats are difinitely a minority on this board, mostly it's because we have bigger brains
If that was true, you'd be a Republican. Any intelligent person would see the damage that Obama is doing to this country, and vote against him. Any intelligent person would see that the policies that the left is implementing, or wants to implement, have destroyed countless nations. The only thing that Liberals have that is bigger is their imaginations. They have these delusional visions that they can make everyone equal, everyone have the same money, the same car, the same health care, the same possessions, the same salaries, etc. Their fairy tale illusion of unicorns and rainbows is real to them, but to the Conservatives (who actually have brains), it is a laughable impossibility. Ask Russia how redistribution of wealth and socialism worked for them.
Well Pensacola you've gone over the edge with your defense of Biden. There are many differences between the left and the right and you've just illustrated one of the biggest. On the right we don't defend one of ours no matter what. For instance if they do something that is wrong in our site, we dump them. There are many examples. On the left, it doesn't seem to matter what they do wrong, as long as they vote the right way. It also seem to be a rule on the left that the only requirement for being smart is to believe what the left says you should and you will be declared smart. If you are on the right you will be declared dumb. Therefore Biden is smart. It doesn't matter how many stupid things he says, and he says so many, many stupid things. The left just can't see them.

Yes, Pensacola, you are truly blind if you refuse to see what a dumb butt Biden is. He is the Republicans best weapon in the election. We hope that he is out talking every day. The more he is out there, the more stupid things he says. He doesn't know what century he's in, what state he's in, he makes racist remarks, talking down to blacks by changing his accent. And that's just this past week.

And as to Aikens remarks, taken in context they were not a fraction as bad as the media has made them out to be as pointed out above. That said almost all Republicans have called for him to withdraw. If the same had happened on the D side, past experience would show that it would be "he apologized, move on."

Democrats don't call for their own to drop out. Just look at the Democrat in Minnesota that had sex with a 17 year old boy. The Dems are not calling for him to resign.

You can rob, cheat, and rape on the Democratic side and all will be forgiven. Say something the wrong way on the right and your career is over.
Akin has raised $100k since the gaffe, so I don't guess too many people were turned off about it. The hypocrisy from the left is pathetic. This guy made a dumb comment, and is being crucified. Yet, Democrats have supported and voted for:

- A man accused of multiple instances of rape and sexual harrassment (Bill Clinton)
- A grand leader of the KKK (Robert Byrd)
- A murderer (Ted Kennedy)
- A tax evader (John Kerry)
- A guy that sends pictures of his junk to kids (Weiner)

And the list goes on...
Originally posted by NueDaeEagle:
Well Pensacola you've gone over the edge with your defense of Biden. There are many differences between the left and the right and you've just illustrated one of the biggest. On the right we don't defend one of ours no matter what. For instance if they do something that is wrong in our site, we dump them. There are many examples. On the left, it doesn't seem to matter what they do wrong, as long as they vote the right way. It also seem to be a rule on the left that the only requirement for being smart is to believe what the left says you should and you will be declared smart. If you are on the right you will be declared dumb. Therefore Biden is smart. It doesn't matter how many stupid things he says, and he says so many, many stupid things. The left just can't see them.

Yes, Pensacola, you are truly blind if you refuse to see what a dumb butt Biden is. He is the Republicans best weapon in the election. We hope that he is out talking every day. The more he is out there, the more stupid things he says. He doesn't know what century he's in, what state he's in, he makes racist remarks, talking down to blacks by changing his accent. And that's just this past week.

And as to Aikens remarks, taken in context they were not a fraction as bad as the media has made them out to be as pointed out above. That said almost all Republicans have called for him to withdraw. If the same had happened on the D side, past experience would show that it would be "he apologized, move on."

Democrats don't call for their own to drop out. Just look at the Democrat in Minnesota that had sex with a 17 year old boy. The Dems are not calling for him to resign.

You can rob, cheat, and rape on the Democratic side and all will be forgiven. Say something the wrong way on the right and your career is over.

Nue, Nue, Nue it's not the Democrats that are calling for good ole Todd to resign, it's his own party, and the media is reporting on that. There is no need to blow it out of proportion, because if his remarks were benign then all the GOP voices would not be calling for his withdrawl. The Repubs are running from this guy like he has the plague, but the party platform has the same intolerance of abortion for any reason as one of it's planks. Don't you just love some hypocrisy....

I truly hope that Joe Biden becomes a source of campaigning efforts on Romney/Ryan's part. That would be wonderful. Can't wait. It would be one more misque, turning from the one thing that Romney really felt was his strenght, the Economy Stupid, as Bill Clinton said. It is a well known fact that many Democrats have had moral failings, the only difference between parties is that Democrats don't try to be Holier than Thou. We are humans that at times do stupid things, but we throw great parties!...Black/Gold
"It is a well known fact that many Democrats have had
moral failings, the only difference between parties is that Democrats
don't try to be Holier than Thou."

Yep, Pensacola, we all know that Dems don't claim to have any morals so they don't even attempt to aim for anything that faintly resembles the high road. The irony is that they turn around and claim the moral high ground because "they care." Meanwhile their policies harm the very constituents they supposedly care about. But that's okay as long as those constituents keep voting to put the Dems back in to put the shaft to them again so they can keep their power and make their millions "serving" their constituents.