If he is indeed to be the new coach, It is a big mistake. First another week waiting on the conference title game and then another week or more depending on which bowl they go to. By then the portal has opened, and our players that are going to go to the portal will not wait that long for a coach to show up and it is too late for them. Second signing date for High school players will have started and none are going to wait for him to talk to them and tell them what they want to hear. If it is him, he needs to come now or we SHOULD move one. I can't believe that Marshall wants a lame duck coach. We all know a new coach needs to be here as soon as possible to recruit new players and retain the players he wants to keep.What about assembling a staff, can't do that while coaching your current team. And the biggest question, what if he changes his mind and Marshall gives him what he wants. It has happened and we don't have the best of luck. Our AD is putting us in the hole and if this goes down like this he should be fired.