Yep. GOP is awful and heartless. Cruz is sick. Rubio is a little boy. Kasich is mature at least. Trump is a carnival barker.
Hillary is a mean bitch. I know that. She's MY mean bitch. I certainly will feel better with her at a negotiating table with Putin than ANY of the clowns the republicans can muster.
I don't vote for the person. I vote for how they vote on the issues. These are ALL politicians. They ALL lie. ALL OF THEM.
However, I can guarantee that Hillary will select pro-choice supreme court justices. THAT is why I have voted democrat since '92. Find a pro-choice republican and this election would already be settled.
-Hillary is demon possessed.
She refuses to tell the truth on almost anything. We know she's a switch-hitting Butch (Huma). We know she sold DoS favors for large donations. We know she is owned by the big banks who have contributed million$ to her fraud of a foundation. We know she despises her military and SS security teams & treats them like her slaves. We know she provided cover for Bill's sexual assaults and tried to ruin the lives of his victims. She is at minimum a conspirator in various murders. She has hideous cankles! And, oh yeah, she's allowed (by either lack of judgement or carelessness) foreign access to her message traffic by her insistence on not having any oversight to her unsecured private server, communications...I could go on but you get the drift.
*Yeah, she's a Peach. If only Glen Beck were within arm's reach of her.