Taylor on Oil Spill - "It's Not Armageddon"

Wildlife is now washing up dead on the beach at the Pass. Oil containment booms in the area are broken and ineffective, and it seems we can expect major contamination of Bay St Louis.
Originally posted by RaptorBpW:
Wildlife is now washing up dead on the beach at the Pass. Oil containment booms in the area are broken and ineffective, and it seems we can expect major contamination of Bay St Louis.
Yep, sea turtles. Sun Herald Story Here
Can you imagine the criticism George Bush would be getting if he was the president for doing nothing to help the Gulf Coast.

What has Obama done to help this situation? It took him 10 days to even come to the area. Bush was in LA 3 days after Katrina.

Obama doesn't like Southern people.
Originally posted by J Grubbs:
Can you imagine the criticism George Bush would be getting if he was the president for doing nothing to help the Gulf Coast.

What has Obama done to help this situation? It took him 10 days to even come to the area. Bush was in LA 3 days after Katrina.

Obama doesn't like Southern people.

Yep. Bush was in the area for his photo op before the military and FEMA even arrived in my town. I was real appreciative.

And not to defend Obama--the feds have flubbed this one too--but three days after the initial event here, BP and the Coast Guard were reporting there wasn't even an active oil spill. So, slightly different situations.

Funny that the federal government screwing up now excuses how badly it screwed up five years ago. Hey, maybe you should go talk to Bush about his administration elected to not require BP to install added layers of redundant failsafes, as it's now being reported was the case.
This post was edited on 5/2 2:40 PM by RaptorBpW
This is another important issue that turned into political hurt feelings....

I suggest yall contact that person above and try to help out instead of doing the blame game on this.

Because the honest thing is that it doesn't matter if Bush, Obama, Lincoln or Reagan was in office right now....after a month the media attention is going to leave and the locals of the coast will be the people who will REALLY be left with the mess...while the republicans and democrats move on to the next thing.
Originally posted by J Grubbs:
Haven't ya'll heard? It is all George Bush's fault. Everything seems to be his fault.
Ain't that the truth? I love the hypocrisy of the state run media regarding Obama's piss poor response to this mess. It took a week before BO even sent some of his officials down there to assess the situation, and they still don't have a plan of action. The liberals' state run media crucified Bush over Katrina, yet you haven't heard a single negative word about Hussein Obama. Pathetic.
Originally posted by hotrock11:
This is another important issue that turned into political hurt feelings....

I suggest yall contact that person above and try to help out instead of doing the blame game on this.

Because the honest thing is that it doesn't matter if Bush, Obama, Lincoln or Reagan was in office right now....after a month the media attention is going to leave and the locals of the coast will be the people who will REALLY be left with the mess...while the republicans and democrats move on to the next thing.


I cannot stress that enough. Amen, man.
Originally posted by RaptorBpW:
Hey, maybe you should go talk to Bush about his administration elected to not require BP to install added layers of redundant failsafes, as it's now being reported was the case.
I knew it would be long before some liberal extremist found some idiotic way to pin this on Bush.
As if Bush was a conservative. LMAO. Anyway, this thead's about done. Once LE is involved, it's light's out for any positive discussion in most anything.

Later, gents.

(that was a fact, by the way. Facts are neither liberal nor conservative. The Bush admin caved to big corporate lobbying and decided not to require the added layer of precautions against blowouts. I posted the article earlier, with links TO THE ACTUAL LETTERS FROM BP TO THE GOVERNMENT on why such precautions were not necessary. Now, you might think that me pointing out facts about the Bush admin makes me a raging liberal extremist, but in reality, I am not. I'm an independent who's about done with our federal government on all levels, because in the end, they answer to big lobbyists and powerful special interests, not to us. It doesn't matter who you dumbasses vote for.

I'm out, guys. Maybe I'll catch you on the beaches this summer when I'm back home volunteering for cleanup. Oh, right. Rush Limbaugh just said that kind of thing isn't necessary because oil blowouts are natural events and we should just let it alone.
This post was edited on 5/2 3:00 PM by RaptorBpW
Originally posted by Legendary Eagle:
Originally posted by RaptorBpW:
Hey, maybe you should go talk to Bush about his administration elected to not require BP to install added layers of redundant failsafes, as it's now being reported was the case.
I knew it would be long before some liberal extremist found some idiotic way to pin this on Bush.

Yep, it is going to come out it was all Bush's fault. Just wait.
Originally posted by RaptorBpW:
As if Bush was a conservative. LMAO. Anyway, this thead's about done. Once LE is involved, it's light's out for any positive discussion in most anything.

Later, gents.

(that was a fact, by the way. Facts are neither liberal nor conservative. The Bush admin caved to big corporate lobbying and decided not to require the added layer of precautions against blowouts. I posted the article earlier, with links TO THE ACTUAL LETTERS FROM BP TO THE GOVERNMENT on why such precautions were not necessary. Now, you might think that me pointing out facts about the Bush admin makes me a raging liberal extremist, but in reality, I am not. I'm an independent who's about done with our federal government on all levels, because in the end, they answer to big lobbyists and powerful special interests, not to us. It doesn't matter who you dumbasses vote for.

I'm out, guys. Maybe I'll catch you on the beaches this summer when I'm back home volunteering for cleanup. Oh, right. Rush Limbaugh just said that kind of thing isn't necessary because oil blowouts are natural events and we should just let it alone.
This post was edited on 5/2 3:00 PM by RaptorBpW
Yeah, it's all fine and dandy for you to fill a thread with your liberal propaganda. But as soon as I call you out on it, you just move it off to the hub because you can't stand to be proven wrong. Pretty cowardly of you.
Re: Taylor on Oil Spill - "It's Not Armageddon"

Amen to both of you. We may disagree vehemently about sports topics, but hotrock nailed his post. Anyone who believes that a party toter of either side has your best interests at heart is kidding himself.
Posted from[/URL]
My final word also. Although I vote republican and I have voted for Taylor because he is somewhat conservative. Both parties have this country in a bind with over spending.

I stand by my original post about the Exxon Valdez spill. If you arrive and cruise the shoreline of that area you will never know there was an oil spill. Yes, if start turning over rocks and digging into the sand you will find remnants of the oil spill. The accident in the Gulf is a terible thing in the terms of enviromental and costing a fortune to mediate.

But unless one of you liberal left leaning Democrats (or Republicans) come up with a VIABLE replacement for oil it will always be "drill baby drill".

Sorry to have to also tell you I do not watch or listen to Rush L. or Glen B.. I have caught a few things they have said before and I have not heard them tell an outright lie. They do use data to promote their own theories on politics. The exact same data is then used by the left to promote an entirely different theory. Everyone thinks their guy is right.
Originally posted by Legendary Eagle:
Yeah, it's all fine and dandy for you to fill a thread with your liberal propaganda. But as soon as I call you out on it, you just move it off to the hub because you can't stand to be proven wrong. Pretty cowardly of you.

I moved the thread, when I got home and had access to my computer.
There are some truths and non truths on this thread that I would like to address. For starters be careful when quoting ABC they need to work more on their own fact checking. The Deepwater Horizon was owned and operated by Transocean, a large drilling company known for their Deepwater experience and is leased to BP while Tranocean still was the operator. Secondly The Deepwater Horizon is flagged out of the Marshall Islands and as such is not required to adhere to US regulations unless it is operating withing 12 miles of the US coastline (According to the Law of the Sea convention). Also the idea of stopping all drilling in the Gulf is insane. There are over 30,000 wells in the Gulf right now and because one has an accident you want to stop 1/3 of the oil that is produced locally, that equals a lot of walking to make that up.

Now here is the problem as I see it and I work in this business so I know what I am talking about. Any company that skimps on their Safety Systems is not worth anything and should be held fully responsible for any disaster stemming from that negligence. I already was not a big fan of the Siemens Safety PLC that Transocean usese on their rigs but had always been told that the blow out preventer would take care of it if they were unable to control an event. Now the reports are coming out that there was no mechanical Blow back preventer which in my mind is negligence. and while I can not do anything about it I would say to boycott BP if you want to make a statement. Safety is not something that should be played around with or evaluated on a profit risk.

Sorry if this is rambling I am in my 4th country in a week and a half and ever since I got to Dubai I have been exhausted. Carry on though it is good to hear the different views on the subject.
These guys are looking dumber and dumber everyday (Gene Taylor and Dr. Bill Walker of DMR).
Edit: NM. Did not look at the dates and realize this thread died long ago. Never get on this board for obvious reasons....and it appears I'm not the only one not posting here.
This post was edited on 7/10 8:31 PM by eaglenjxn