So we're having an oil crisis in the Gulf...


BGN Pro Poster
Dec 19, 2007
And Joe Biden is in South Africa watching the World Cup? Someone needs to get their priorities straight.
I would feel alot better if we had politicians with the IQ of Lanny and not Sarah Palin.
Biden is one of the last people that I want to get involved in this oil spill. He has not even visited the region as to my knowledge. Everyone around here is pissed at BP and rightly so, but lets not forget if our government had done its job and completed the required inspections that this mess could have been avoided. SO BP and Obama are 1 and 1A in who to blame. Obama is doing everything he can to help everyone forget that HIS MMS group dropped the ball big time on this one. And now Obama is costing this region thousands and thousands more jobs by stopping the drilling in the Gulf. If his inspectors were doing their damn job there would be no need to stop the drilling they would know what was going on on these oil rigs. Obama is looking for whose ASS to kick...his words not mine....Start with the one on top of your shoulders!!!!!! YOUR administration is a huge part of the cause for this oil spill!!

Sorry for the rant but I am just sick and tired of BP and Obama's all show and no go dealing with this catastrophy that is playing politics with so many peoples way of life!!!
Finn Finn, what is Sarah's IQ? I have not heard it reported but I did hear that it's high.

Either way, everybody calm down, Obama said the going to kick some ass so everything is going to be okay.
I do not like Obama's views or policies. I am very much a Republican. However, I do not feel that he can be overly blamed for this incident. Yes he could put more pressure on BP, but the President's position in a situation like this is largely for show only. He has to let the government people under him do their jobs. Again he can apply pressure, and some might argue that he hasn't applied enough, but him or Biden being down in LA will not solve any problems. They can do just as much, if not more from DC. Blaming Obama for any of this is nothing more than political maneuvering. It was the same crap the Democrats tried with Bush and Katrina. It was wrong then, its wrong now.

That being said, I think the White House wants to keep Biden in places where he is unlikely to be quoted beyond, "yeah they did great."
My problem is not with Obama's tough words and little action in this whole is with him cutting out some 200k other jobs that should have nothing to do with this. If the MMS had done the inspections as there were suppose to they would have found that BP was cutting dangerous corners on the Deepwater Horizon rig and stopped this. MMS missed 16 of 22 needed inspections on this one rig!!!!!! That is his administrations fault 100%. And to punish 200k people for your administration not doing their jobs is CRAZY!!! The economy in South Louisiana is not the best any way and now 200k jobs that average 50k a year lost because government didnt do their job is just insane!!!! That 200k is on top of all the seafood industry and fisherman that are outta work thats another 100k people....thats about like everyone in the city of New Orleans losing their jobs in 50 days.
Originally posted by Simon Eagle:
Everybody knows the oil spill is Bush's fault.

Inasmuch as the industry was deregulated and the MMS was turned into a corrupt mess under his watch, yes.

Inasmuch as Obama campaigned on correcting the mess that Bush put us in, then did absolutely nothing at all to fix the MMS and regulate companies like BP, it's his fault too.

But the real issue is that the most dangerous oil company in the world, with more Gulf safety citations than every other company combined, did its thing unchecked, and destroyed my home's coast.

BTW, before yall start with the inevitable flaming, please notice I effectively spread blame on two different administrations (and I could share some of it with Clinton, Daddy Bush and even Ronnie) and the corporation involved as well. I'm not playing partisan games. The only people fooling themselves are those who think the incompetent shills with an R next to their names are better than the incompetent shills with a D next to their name, or vice versa.
This post was edited on 6/11 12:01 PM by RaptorBpW
Thanks Raptor for putting things in order. There is plenty of blame to go around for Democrats and the GOP.Follow the money trail and it leads to both parties.
It seems that there hasn't been one president, one vice president, one SOS, one SOTH...not one politician that everyone has agreed on as doing his job correctly.

Except for Washington, who from what I read was highly beloved by all. But I'm sure someone could probably disprove me and find a group of people back then who thought he was doing wrong.

So why even waste time getting mad over this? Highly ranked politicians are only figureheads of your local representation. And they could all only do soooooooooo much. What do you want from Biden? For him to grab a hotel down here and protest daily until change comes?

I have one question: What if Biden did that? Would this thread exist? I imagine it would...just worded in a way that states that Biden spends too much time down here grandstanding further pushing his political policies instead of getting a huge straw and sucking up all the oil himself.

I just finished watching a news organization talk about what Obama wore when he came to the coast. REALLY??? This reminds me of when people would complain about Bush. Instead of complaining about something serious, they would make petty posts on the net or comments on TV.

But shoot, I've always thought most politicians could easily change 1 talking point and wear the other side hat and also that most are bought out by corporations. Only the extreme ones like that Pelosi woman and Ron Paul couldn't do so...but that's not to say they haven't been purchased by anyone. Too many lobbyists...too many bought souls. Too many scripted debates.

I'll let yall have fun in this thread about how Biden is watching US vs England or whatever he's doing there instead of back here acting like he's going to do something to the company that probably pays his "real" salary. Whatever makes the opposing party happy I guess...
While I think Biden is doing as much over there as he would if he were still in the US, it's the symbolism of his actions that really gets me. It's no secret that the Obama administration's approval ratings are dropping due to their apparent apathy about, well, everything. You would think in a time where people are beginning to doubt your ability to govern a country, you would want to at least appear to be working towards a solution to a catastrophe such as the one we have on our hands right now. Instead, Biden heads off to South Africa for the world cup, once again symbolizing the current administration's apparent apathy towards governing the country and solving its most pressing problems.
Everyone knew Barack Hussein Obama bin Laden was not qualified whatsoever for the job of POTUS. Everyone. But he conned enough people into voting for him and got elected. You are seeing the results; from this disaster, to the flood of unchecked illegals stealing your children's future (that includes you Democrat's children too), to destroying our basic freedoms with every new law he signs into effect, passed by a corrupt Congress, to coddling our enemies and bowing down to every tinpot dictator, to torpedoing the economy with ungodly spending and tax debt beyond comprehension, to doing everything he can to destroy Israel, to you name it, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

What can the sob do? NOTHING! He has NO experience at producing anything, running anything, leading anything. Yet people voted him into office because he was a liberal Democrat black man, and that was all that mattered.

How's that hope and change working out for you?
USM '74
This post was edited on 6/11 1:02 PM by Clawedballs
This post was edited on 6/11 1:03 PM by Clawedballs
This post was edited on 6/11 1:04 PM by Clawedballs
America voted for "Change" and boy did we get it. An idiot that has never had an executive job does not have a clue how to do anything except campaign and blame the previous President. He is a moron that will do more damage to this country in four years, that people will soon find hard to believe.
This post was edited on 6/11 3:09 PM by HowBoutDemEagles
Thanks Raptor

It's good to know there are sensible people.
This post was edited on 6/11 2:57 PM by Andyouknowit
Originally posted by RaptorBpW:

Originally posted by Simon Eagle:
Everybody knows the oil spill is Bush's fault.

Inasmuch as the industry was deregulated and the MMS was turned into a corrupt mess under his watch, yes.

Inasmuch as Obama campaigned on correcting the mess that Bush put us in, then did absolutely nothing at all to fix the MMS and regulate companies like BP, it's his fault too.

But the real issue is that the most dangerous oil company in the world, with more Gulf safety citations than every other company combined, did its thing unchecked, and destroyed my home's coast.

BTW, before yall start with the inevitable flaming, please notice I effectively spread blame on two different administrations (and I could share some of it with Clinton, Daddy Bush and even Ronnie) and the corporation involved as well. I'm not playing partisan games. The only people fooling themselves are those who think the incompetent shills with an R next to their names are better than the incompetent shills with a D next to their name, or vice versa.

This post was edited on 6/11 12:01 PM by RaptorBpW

Raptor, you got it right, the real cozy realtionship between MMS and the oil industry that occurred during W's watch. BUT, Obama did nothing to "change" it as promised. You are also right that everyone in the chain since Ronnie had something to do with it. It started with RR's pronouncement that "government is the problem" and that spread all the way to government shouldn't be regulating anything, safety or otherwise.
Originally posted by PaulDel:
Originally posted by RaptorBpW:

Originally posted by Simon Eagle:
Everybody knows the oil spill is Bush's fault.

Inasmuch as the industry was deregulated and the MMS was turned into a corrupt mess under his watch, yes.

Inasmuch as Obama campaigned on correcting the mess that Bush put us in, then did absolutely nothing at all to fix the MMS and regulate companies like BP, it's his fault too.

But the real issue is that the most dangerous oil company in the world, with more Gulf safety citations than every other company combined, did its thing unchecked, and destroyed my home's coast.

BTW, before yall start with the inevitable flaming, please notice I effectively spread blame on two different administrations (and I could share some of it with Clinton, Daddy Bush and even Ronnie) and the corporation involved as well. I'm not playing partisan games. The only people fooling themselves are those who think the incompetent shills with an R next to their names are better than the incompetent shills with a D next to their name, or vice versa.

This post was edited on 6/11 12:01 PM by RaptorBpW

Raptor, you got it right, the real cozy realtionship between MMS and the oil industry that occurred during W's watch. BUT, Obama did nothing to "change" it as promised. You are also right that everyone in the chain since Ronnie had something to do with it. It started with RR's pronouncement that "government is the problem" and that spread all the way to government shouldn't be regulating anything, safety or otherwise.
Government SHOULD NOT be regulating anything. Government regulation forces higher prices in the regulated industry. Instead of regulating the industry, the government should be guaranteeing the public that companies in the industry that do bad things will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If the punishment is severe enough, regulation becomes unnecessary as the companies will be self regulating.
This post was edited on 6/11 5:41 PM by ArmyEagle
Originally posted by Lamareagle2:
I'm totally shocked this thread is still here!
And I'm totally shocked that your totally shocked this thread is still here.
Since we are talking politics...Four More Years Baby!!!! Joe Biden gets my vote over Darth Chaney anyday....and BP can kiss my Democratic ass..Black/Gold
Originally posted by PensacolaEagle:
Since we are talking politics...Four More Years Baby!!!! Joe Biden gets my vote over Darth Chaney anyday....and BP can kiss my Democratic ass..Black/Gold

If you had any questions about why this country is in the shape it's in, I give you Exhibit "A" above.
OK Rapto, you spread the blame around and forgot one group. The environmentalist. The reason we are drilling in waters so deep we can't work in is that the enviornmental lobby stopped the shallow water drilling where it is safer to drill. So plenty of blame to go around. So what. Time to fix it, not "kick ass" and use it as a way to raise taxes and take over more of our econemy.
i missed it.
This post was edited on 3/18 12:37 AM by Satsuma Eagle
This post was edited on 3/18 12:39 AM by Satsuma Eagle..
This post was edited on 3/18 1:06 AM by Satsuma Eagle
"I would feel alot better if we had politicians with the IQ of Lanny and not Sarah Palin."

Why are you insulting Lanny. Besides all those "intellectuals" in Washington are proving it's not your intellectual IQ it's your common sense IQ that matters. Obama has shown hw has the common sense IQ of someone in middle school at best. The left loves to talk about how "smart" he is, then gives him a pass when he gives a speech to Muslims and says multiple things that are historically wrong. Giving Muslims credit for things the Chinese, Greeks, Italians, etc. did. If Palin had done that you and the media would be talking about how dumb she is.

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