Phil Bryant

should move to HUB

when your in POLITICS that is what you get. you have to play every side. Really I don't trust anyone in politics I think that they are liers & cheaters that do nothing but look out for their interest and have no reason to work together for the good of the people.
There goes the PETA vote !!

He will never get that.
Re: should move to HUB

STU, our Founding Fathers said that America will only remain great as long as we remain a virtuous people. If we want politicians that we can trust, we must first be a people that are trustworthy. Then second we must demand it of our political servants by never voting for one that we perceive to not have met that requirement.
If one is to be a one issue guy ( pro-USM ),then Johnnie Dupree should be your man.

A vote for Dupree would be a vote against the Ole Miss/State clique in politics.
If anyone would push to bring Ole Miss to the "Rock" it would be him as governor.
This post was edited on 6/29 10:48 PM by THOTH

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