OT: The nut jobs from Kansas strike again

Violence isn't a good reaction to most things. Except against the Westboro Baptist "Church." They try to come back, I may be there with many of my friends waiting for them.
I think it's humorous that they say WB never scheduled or planned to attend. Well excuse me but I'm from Brandon and have friends who know cops. I also happen to know the Westboro Baptist did intend to attend and was in Brandon that day. They tried to get food somewhere, and the owner of the restaurant refused service. Well they wouldn't leave so he called the cops for trespassing. Well they were arrested and couldn't get out until the sheriff was in. Ooops! The sheriff was at the funeral! Thank you Brandon, MS for knowing how to stop some idiots from protesting!
Aren't they all hack-job attorneys???

Seems like they prey upon folks for lawsuit monies probably..
Originally posted by hotrock11:
Aren't they all hack-job attorneys???

Seems like they prey upon folks for lawsuit monies probably..
Yeah, that's pretty much what they do. They spout a bunch of hateful, insulting crap then sue whoever for violating their rights. They're beneath the dog crap on the bottom of my shoe.
Originally posted by eagleboy415:
I think it's humorous that they say WB never scheduled or planned to attend. Well excuse me but I'm from Brandon and have friends who know cops. I also happen to know the Westboro Baptist did intend to attend and was in Brandon that day. They tried to get food somewhere, and the owner of the restaurant refused service. Well they wouldn't leave so he called the cops for trespassing. Well they were arrested and couldn't get out until the sheriff was in. Ooops! The sheriff was at the funeral! Thank you Brandon, MS for knowing how to stop some idiots from protesting!

Is it true that some of the locals found out what hotel they were staying in and blocked all their cars so they could not get out? I love it! Nothing like good ole boy justice
These nut jobs finance their ops with lawsuits

These nut jobs finance themselves by suing others who they impede their constitutional rights. They are there for the money, not the service of God or anything else good. They are evil.
Originally posted by RaptorBpW:
Violence isn't a good reaction to most things. Except against the Westboro Baptist "Church." They try to come back, I may be there with many of my friends waiting for them.

I think the Brandon police saved their lives. Interrupting a soldiers funeral in MS is a good way to get fatally shot, especially if they know you're coming!
Read a report that the Kansas folks were never in MS and the whole thing was made up. Any one know for sure?

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Blocking their cars was a great idea. Resorting to violence, while very temping is not. Didn't a group in another place all line up in front of their protest and block them so the couldn't be seen? These ideas are the way to go. If they come to my area I would be more than happy to block a car or line up in front of them with a big sign that said support our troops, God is Love, or something positive.

The only way to win against these scum is to take the high road make it where any protest they do is irrelevant because it can't be seen or held. Good for those Brandon cops from my old town.

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