OT policital news. Olbermann suspended from MSNBC

I bet all 17 people that watched his show are heartbroken.
Typical Lib., thinks he's above the law or other ethical standards...but will raise hell if a conservative did the same thing.

I guess he could win his own Worst Person of the Week award this week ;).
I like the dude, but if he violated the company policy, then you gotta pay the price. He is a commentator, more so than journalist, so I don't understand the conflict with campaign contributions. I don't like the idea of any company telling you where you can spend your political donations, to me that is a private matter. I thought Juan Williams being fired from NPR was a travesty, he was a voice of reason on Fox, now I get to watch him even more...Black/Gold
I cant belive no one has said this so i will take one for the team.

I read the ariticle again, and i got this tingling feeling that ran up my right leg.


This post was edited on 11/6 1:17 AM by WastinawaynNitChampsburg
Even if he was a journalist, since when is it OK to ban employees from the policital process?

It is much more than a private matter, it is your right as a citizen to support your choice of candidates for public office.
Originally posted by Standing in EE:
Even if he was a journalist, since when is it OK to ban employees from the policital process?

It is much more than a private matter, it is your right as a citizen to support your choice of candidates for public office.

EE, I respectfully disagree. If he was just doing opinion shows on MSNBC, you have a point. Unfortunately he acted as a news reporter on election night and reported the news. To have contributed to a party's candidates compromises his integrity and unbiased opinion as a news reporter. This is why you don't see Sean Hannity acting as a news reporter for Fox News. He is an opinion journalist and not a news reporter. What Olberman did would not have been a mistake if he wasn't used as a news reporter by MSNBC.
So....I'm just suppose to ignore the 9k Hannity has donated to the Republican candidates last year?

Oh yea...I forgot..."if it's not right, it's not right"

I'll let yall have yall's parade...because obviously you're not seeing both sides...literally.
This is quite the week for jubilation...first the conservatives win in compelling fashion the US House, take over the majority of state governorships and various state houses...and the icing on the cake is that Windbag-Olbermann takes it up the Arse.
The Worst Person in the World, indeed!

Ohh wait, Obammy is off touring the world while spending who knows what $$ trying to "look" presidential.
Think he will be patted on the back by the MSM for it? A pipe dream/miscalculation on his part..

Now if my Golden Eagles can rise up like a Phoenix and whip Tulane, all will be right again.

This is a great week indeed!
Originally posted by HowBoutDemEagles:

Originally posted by Standing in EE:
Even if he was a journalist, since when is it OK to ban employees from the policital process?

It is much more than a private matter, it is your right as a citizen to support your choice of candidates for public office.

EE, I respectfully disagree. If he was just doing opinion shows on MSNBC, you have a point. Unfortunately he acted as a news reporter on election night and reported the news. To have contributed to a party's candidates compromises his integrity and unbiased opinion as a news reporter. This is why you don't see Sean Hannity acting as a news reporter for Fox News. He is an opinion journalist and not a news reporter. What Olberman did would not have been a mistake if he wasn't used as a news reporter by MSNBC.

Reporters have the same right as any other citizen.

I've probably heard this guy more than once without knowing who he is. I'm guessing I would disagree with him more often than not. Doesn't change the fact that he has the right to support his choice to represent him in his goverment.

If you want him suspended for not performing his job duties as outlined, fine. You cannot suspend him for excerising his right to self goverment.
Bottom line is, he knew about rules and decided to break them. The suspension is thus warranted. The matter of the rule existing can be debated, for sure, but he is responsible for the above facts, period. And he's a terrible commentator anyway, as is Hannity. The difference is Olbermann pretends to be a reporter.
Posted from[/URL]
Originally posted by eaglexcellence:
Bottom line is, he knew about rules and decided to break them. The suspension is thus warranted. The matter of the rule existing can be debated, for sure, but he is responsible for the above facts, period. And he's a terrible commentator anyway, as is Hannity. The difference is Olbermann pretends to be a reporter.
Posted from

All these guys pretend to be reporters "for us"...but yep, he knew the rules. MSNBC obviously doesn't follow their own rules though because Morning Joe has donated to campaigns while being a personality and yet he didn't receive any punishment.

I just like to laugh though when one side does something and the other side just QUICKLY starts to celebrate and open their pandora box of thoughts. All these politicians seem to be playing for the same party to me...
Originally posted by hotrock11:

Originally posted by eaglexcellence:
Bottom line is, he knew about rules and decided to break them. The suspension is thus warranted. The matter of the rule existing can be debated, for sure, but he is responsible for the above facts, period. And he's a terrible commentator anyway, as is Hannity. The difference is Olbermann pretends to be a reporter.

Posted from

All these guys pretend to be reporters "for us"...but yep, he knew the rules. MSNBC obviously doesn't follow their own rules though because Morning Joe has donated to campaigns while being a personality and yet he didn't receive any punishment.

I just like to laugh though when one side does something and the other side just QUICKLY starts to celebrate and open their pandora box of thoughts. All these politicians seem to be playing for the same party to me...

We probably share very different polictial views, but you are dead on.
Libs have been trying to compare Olbermann to the Juan Williams situation, which is really apples and oranges. Olbermann has worn out his welcome at NBC. This is LESS about his donations and more about his atrocious arrogance and his LOW ratings. He is beyond a fool. It is one thing to be that incompetent but to add to it such pomposity.
Sean Hannity is as much a homer for the repubs as Olby is for the libs...but Sean has numerous friends in the democratic party and treats them all with humor and respect...even his political enemies, many who go on his show, like him. NO one likes Olbermann, not even the reliable left wingers at NBC like
Brokaw and company. Suffice it to say, Olbermann is in trouble because he is a moron and a liar and a faker.
I guess I never really considered Olbermann a journalist. I thought he was just another pundit...and very hard to tolerate on the TV screen for more than about 5 seconds.
Originally posted by Eaglebird Humperdink:
I guess I never really considered Olbermann a journalist. I thought he was just another pundit...and very hard to tolerate on the TV screen for more than about 5 seconds.

I totally agree, Olberman never pretended not to be a left-wing, social statist. I really see no reason for him to be dismissed.

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