NFL suspends Saints head coach for 2012 season...

I expected Payton to get some punishment, but didnt expect it to be this harsh. Just make Drew Brees the head coach for the year
I'm a Pack fan and think that's excessive. I'm not saying he shouldn't be suspended, but he got the same punishment as the guy who drove drunk and hit and killed a person. That's ridiculous to put the two on the same level.
The Saints got caught using a bounty system and told the Commissioner that they would stop it. They didn't. Lesson: Don't lie to the Commissioner or pay a deep, deep price.
I tried looking at the comments on the ESPN article, they were scrolling by too fast to keep up with them!

This is ridiculously excessive. I'm floored.
A year is excessive. Without pay is gut wrenching. The players association needs to be on line 1!!!
I Think That I've Read Somewhere....

...that the league is currently being sued, in some form, by 800 former players. Player safety must be priority #1. You can't allow a bounty system to exist where players are targeted for injury. The NFL had proof that the coaching staff lied to investigators and the bounty system was in place as late as last year. The league has to drop the hammer and send a mesage to the other teams. I understand that all 31 other teams must certify to the league that nothing like this exists.
It's a serious offense. They knew it was illegal, yet they did it anyway. Lucky they aren't banned for life.
Re: I Think That I've Read Somewhere....

The value of the NFL is estimated at $30 billion. They are not going to let one rogue team threaten the whole NFL. The NFL had a message to send and they sent it in a way that it would not be dismissed. Completely understandable.
Any Punishment Not Administered To A.....

....player is not subject to NFLPA scrutiny. Coaches sing contracts with different language concerning detrimental conduct. The only appeal is back to the Commissioner. The is sole arbitor.
1 year? Pete Rose got a lifetime ban. The Saints were gambling with ruining opposing players careers, by possibly enticing cheapshots to get paid. (sort of joking). really dont care. Go Buccs!!!
I think Payton and all the others that are suspended without pay should have their pay donated to Southern Miss Athletics.

I think the ruling is fair.
The ruling isn't "fair" by any stretch of the imagination. First of all, the way things are run in the NFL is a joke. Goodell has way too much power, and a Gustapo type he relishes in it and only wants more. Secondly keep in mind that the most notable hits from this bounty (Favre and Warner) were within the rules of the game... didnt even garner a flag
The NFL Apoligized For.....

...the Farve hit, which resulted in a game changing interception. They said it should have been a penalty and fined the referee $20k for not calling it.
I thought the Saints organization itself got off pretty light. $500K and two second rounders. But what Payton got as an individual was beyond excessive, IMO. I truly hated to see that.

As a Favre fan, I should take some satisfaction in this but I'd rather have seen him in the SuperBowl, and I'm convinced he'd have been there if not for being gimped up from late hits and the inexcusable and obviously deliberate hi/lo shot.

My fellow Packer shareholders would shoot me for saying that, but I gotta pull for the Iron Eagle;).
Originally posted by sabo21:
The ruling isn't "fair" by any stretch of the imagination. First of all, the way things are run in the NFL is a joke. Goodell has way too much power, and a Gustapo type he relishes in it and only wants more. Secondly keep in mind that the most notable hits from this bounty (Favre and Warner) were within the rules of the game... didnt even garner a flag

This ruling was as "fair" as a bounty system put in place by a thug organization that was caught two years ago running a bounty program, was investigated, said that is was stopped and then kept it in place for two more years. The mere fact a "bounty" scheme was in place makes every single hit a Saint's defensive player made the last three years as fair game when it comes to being judged legal or not. I applaud the NFL commissioner for doing what he did. ALso, you can believe that he has in his possession extremely strong evidence or he would not have done what he did.
This post was edited on 3/21 3:34 PM by HowBoutDemEagles
Originally posted by sabo21:
The ruling isn't "fair" by any stretch of the imagination. First of all, the way things are run in the NFL is a joke. Goodell has way too much power, and a Gustapo type he relishes in it and only wants more. Secondly keep in mind that the most notable hits from this bounty (Favre and Warner) were within the rules of the game... didnt even garner a flag

I dont think the hits had anything to do with suspensions. Just because you went about the "bounty" in legal means doesn't mean the "bounty" in and of itself is legal. The bounty system is illegal. Period.

I do agree with the poster above who cites all of the legal cases involving player safety. The league had to show how serious they were about player safety in this situation especially if these suits come down to jury awards.

I am a passing Saints fan. I dont go crazy like some, but genuinely route for them. However, from an objective standpoint, when you look at players offering financial incentives to injure other players (not big hits but actual injuries) coupled with the head coach, general manager, defensive coordinator and others being complicit with the program as well as possibly lying to NFL officials......that is a recipe for one very bad punishment.
brees would be my pick!
This post was edited on 3/26 10:59 PM by Satsuma Eagle
This post was edited on 3/26 11:01 PM by Satsuma Eagle