Jackson's new mayor...

Originally posted by USMPiKapp:
His big running point was that the white republicans were supporting his opponent. That tells you what type of people elected him. They aren't interested in moving the city forward - they just want a mayor that hates white people as much as they do. Hate to see the city I grew up in come to this.
I don't live in the area. So, I want to get this straight.

Winning elections along racial lines has regressed from "don't vote for _____ because they are a different color" to "don't vote for _____ because even though they are your color, people of that other color also vote for them"? If so, a truly sad statement about the depths politicians and their supporters will sink in order to gain or remain in power. Please correct me if that was not the case in this election.
Originally posted by PensacolaEagle:

Originally posted by gneilr:

Originally posted by J-Eagle:
This guy is a 60's style communist/Black power/New Africa radical on steroids. Black Power doesn't even begin to describe his agenda. I can assure you he hates the United States and our Constitution and wishes to eliminate all white people. Believe it.
Can't really attest to all that, but I do know that when he applied for admission, the Mississippi Bar was concerned about some of his previous statements about peacefully overthrowing the government. Should be very interesting to say the least.
Over throwing the government, hmm, sure he is not Tea Party guy, oh wait, they want to succeed from the Union
Pensacola, you are an idiot. By the way, it's spelled secede.