Government to Dr. Vernon Asper of USM-------------Shut UP


BGN Pro Poster
Aug 13, 2003
Over the weekend, a research crew from the University of Southern Mississippi found evidence that there are 3 to 5 plumes… About 5 miles wide, 10 miles long and 3 hundred feet in depth.

But after giving that information to the press, the lead researcher now says he has been asked by the federal government… Which funds his research… To quit giving interviews until further testing is done.

Interesting of Uncle Sam
That's how President Hussein works. He wants to control the media and freedom of speech so that only information that makes him look good gets released to the public. Which is why he sought to shut Fox News out of the White House press corp. Too bad all of the millions of dolts that voted for him because of his race were too stupid to realize that they were electing the second coming of Joseph Stalin.
Stalin? Please....Obama is basically a conservative in blue clothing!

I always laugh when people compare Obama. First Hitler, now Stalin. Soon it will be Castro or even Chavez!

The guy is a true conservative. Everything he has done has not been even remotely "progressive". Before the oil spill he was about to sign a bill which would have allowed drilling off the Atlantic, which would have been the ultimate no-no for any other dem.

If yall quit hating him because of his political affiliation or maybe even his race you would see that he's a witty man who caves into EVERYTHING. He's bought by wall street just like the rest of 'em and literally pushes the republican agenda as far as he can without being accused of being one. Name one liberal thing he has done that hasn't been watered down dramatically!

Obama a conservative? hotrock, I'd like some of what you're smoking. The man is the most left wing radical we have had ever. Period. He was raised and influenced by nothing but Marxists. His people that he has brought in have been radicals, he has insulted our allies, and litterly bowed down to those that hate us. His policies are European socialist. There is never a case where a person goes 100% in one direction, so you can pick a point or two where he has gone right (the drones in Afganistan, he supported some teacher firings at a failed school), but his policies such as his spending and health care, wanting to control free speach, he wanted to cut off medical care to wounded vets after a certain number of years to save money, his tax policies, his strong abortion support, he will not even talk to Republicans on issues like health care until he has decided what he is doing, he believes in telling people and states what to do and if they don't like he will smear and attack them are liberal through and through. And I could go on and on. These are mostly not just liberal traits, for him some are far left radical traits. And yes I will admit some are just personal faults.
Sorry hotrock. it's early in the morning and I missed your humor the first time. You were obviously stating the ridiculous as a joke or to get a little banter going. Missed it and you got me.
just one? That's too easy. His new welfare program disguised as healthcare reform. His creation of a national database to keep track of everyone that opposes him. His public chastising of the AZ law. His absurd bailouts and spending. His liberal activist supreme court nominees, including the current one that wants the government to be able to limit free speech. His support of amnesty for millions of illegals. Need I go on, or would you rather just keep your head I'm the sand and let MSNBC tell you what to think?
Posted from[/URL]
You are right Legendary Eagle, Obama and many in his administration have used the phrase "wealth distribution" which is a liberal and socialist tenent for taking from those that have earned it, then those that are in power distribute it to those that they deem should have it without having earned it, including a little for themselves as the ruling class and the perks that they deserve. Classic Obama. Got it yet hotrock? Or do you ever listen to the man and espically the people he has put in place around him like his czars?
I"m sorry, but if Obama is a marxist supreme left-winged president...then FDR must have broke the scales!

I don't even follow politics and I clearly see that Obama is basically a moderate conservative who is owned by Goldman's Sachs.

Yea, Obama is so left-winged. Ridiculous! The democratic party doesn't even support some of his policies because they're too red. The man caves into every republican provision and anything that involves monetary funding. If not for this oil spill, he would have given away the environment to big business. And health care...did we watch the same news? Because that bill is not even democratic...

How is he left-winged when there isn't even a public option, or single payer? Come on...I'm barely a democrat (barely) and I can't even support Obama because he's not a democrat! Have you seen his polling among democrats? Don't let some bailout fool you on his true colors...

In fact, the great Reagan raised taxes 4 times between 82-84. Just remember that...

I laugh.
Originally posted by hotrock11:
I don't even follow politics
Well, that pretty much explains your total lack of knowledge on the subject. Go ahead and laugh. We'll see how much you laugh when you graduate and can't find a job...thanks to the fact that Obama was more worried about bailing out Wall Street and passing socialized medicine than he was about saving the US economy.

As for his bill to drill for more oil, you need to do some research on it. It was a sham that would have actually made it harder to drill. His spin-meisters made it sound like he was all for "drill baby drill" to appease the vast majority of Americans that WANT more drilling. However, the actual bill did the complete opposite. Looks like he was able to fool you.

Obama fools the fools...
Well hotrock, you explained yourself when you said that you "don't even follow politics." I guess you did not pay attention to your classes in school. We have what is called a balance of power. He can not do whatever he wants. Just because he wants a public option and other left wing things you and others may want does not make it happen. He has to have others vote for it. They did not and the public was against it. Where did you miss the fact that our President is not a dictator and can not pass whatever he wants to do. According to your logic, if Obama does not pass a public option he is not a liberal even if it was one of the most important things in his agenda. Your teachers should be proud. This is why our country is where it is today.