Common Sense 2: A Summary View

Jan 17, 2011
Common Sense 2: A Summary View, is a modern ode to the works of Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson.

Hello to everyone reading this... This thread is in regards to a new, free book which is now available. The book is called 'Common Sense 2: A Summary View'. The basic intent of the Book is to inform the American people as to what is ACTUALLY going on in our Country and how to truly fix these issues. I tried to take the works of Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson and create a new work for a modern audience. I use common sense explanations to plainly explain the issues we are facing and I then give a slew of Ideals/Principles which lead back to a World of Freedom.

It is NOT a political book...politics is simply a 2-sided argument. The book was written from the perspective of an 'observer'. No sides, no politics, no misinformation, no propaganda...simply, the TRuth.

The book is broken down in 3 sections, which the Table of Contents makes clear when read. The first section is used to explain the corruption and woes that America is currently in. This section explains how the corruption works and how it was put into place.

The second section explains where the American people's Power has been hidden, how to take it back and how to properly use it. This section contains a bunch of original Ideals and Principles to help start creating a better version of America, at the local level.

The third section deals with 'where we are now' and then explains 'where we need to go next.' This section is more philosophical in nature and serves to help create a new possible path for the American to take.

If you enjoy philosophy, Booklet 10 should be right up your alley. It contains The TRuth brand's attempt to further the concept of Natural Rights in a modern, common sense and visual manner. The concept of Natural Rights was last evolved by Thomas Jefferson and it is no longer taught or understood correctly.


The book is broken down into Booklets, as follows:

0. Start Here (Intro)
00. Table of Contents

1. A History Lesson
2. Hijacked
3. Just Pullin' Our Strings
4. National Secrecy
5. Physical Threats
6. Paper Threats

7. A Civil Revolution
8. America's 'Arms'
9. Grassroots 101

Section 3:
10. The Natural World
11. The Fake World
12. The Real World
13. Our Destiny

14. Appendix


The Book is free and can be downloaded from my website...

I appreciate your Time,
The TRuth brand


The TRuth brand

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