BLM has hit our campus!

I wonder if it had been me, would my treatment have been the same. Perhaps, perhaps not.
First of all nothing in this article or her complaints have anything to do with race or race relations.
The American right to's what separates us from most countries. Don't believe this happens in Putin's Russia, at least not without consequence.
WDAM reported that USM has video of the incident.

If that is indeed the case, I think the university needs to release it immediately with the request for help in identifying those who threw objects.

However, the twitter handle that the "alleged" victim used..."BarbiesMustDie" has since been deleted. I wonder what she meant by Barbies Must Die? Perhaps she had a bad experience with dolls as a child?
How much longer until schools stop playing National Anthem due to "offensiveness"?

I in no way agree with what they are doing, but I will defend their right to do it.

The NY Giants are doing it the right way IMO. They are meeting with the NYC PD for discussion of the topic. Bringing attention to the problem and not themselves.
"Barbies Must Die" is what should be investigated here, not somebody splashing a coke on a classless whining ingrate looking for trouble.