airport scanners & pat-down


Dec 10, 2002
When I reflect back to September 11 2001 and Mohammed Atta flying a plane into the World Trade Center, those airport scanners and pat-downs just don't seem so bad in retrospect.

Perhaps some have indeed had some bad experiences, but I haven't as of yet.
Have not traveled since the change. I see both sides of the coin on this one. I will say seeing am 5 year old getting patted down is not cool.
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The problem I see is that the TSA isn't looking for terrorists they're looking for "things". And while they continue to look for "things" that have been used before by the terrorists, the terrorists themselves are one step ahead of our government bureaucrats.

I think we should take a look at what Isreal is doing and take a few lessons. Because they're not violating everyone's civil rights and they're not doing body scans on people or rubbing up travelers.
Was told George Saros(sp?). Is a heavy investor in the scan machines.

Sorry did not feel like looking up proper spelling.
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A little common sense is needed. Small children and grand mothers don't need to go thru this. Israel does indeed do it better. They use profiling and inteligence to check certain people among other things. It works. But we are more interested in being politically correct so as not offend anyone and not violate anyones rights by profiling that we offend thousands and thousands and violate their rights too with the scanners and pat-downs. Insane and it is costing millions and millions upon millions and millions.
No I haven't traveled through Tel Aviv so I can't compare to US airports.
I have gone through security at London ( Gatwich & Heathrow) and Frankfort in Europe and found them to be very strict. In London after the Lockerbie bombing they went through everything I had. Emptied my bags on a table and they even went through aspirin bottles. These body scanners were in Germany back in 2005, I as I recall. They even dusted my camera and ran it through a special machine.
Vancouver Canada was also quit touch to get through, or so I thought.
Needless to say, I don't have all the answers.
There are some concerns I have with profiling. First I think the profile first argument underestimates the intelligence of the terrorist. They are smart enough to blend in. From what I understand, the 9-11 terrorist did just that. I don't expect them to look like bedouins.... More like accountants !
Also many Middle Easterners are white and look white. Many whites in Mississippi and surrounding areas could pass for lighter Middle-Easterners. I do know one guy who was profile while visiting the Holy Land. He was pulled aside and scrutinized at a airport due to his "looks". He is a Southern Baptist of Cajun roots and NO he didn't seem to appreciate being profiled.
Also not all Muslim terrorist are Middle Eastern...many are Americans who or white.
Not all Middle Easterners are terrorist, not all Muslims are terrorist, and not all terrorist are Muslim or Middle Eastern.
Women and children might be the next tool, and if we ignore women and children, then we can be assured that the terror groups will attempt to utilize such women and children.
To me, the safest way would be screen everybody.

This post was edited on 11/26 12:53 PM by THOTH
Another fact to ponder is the great masses of passengers who travel though US airports. Atlanta being the world's busiest airport by passenger numbers, processed over 88 million people in 2009. Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Los Angles, and Denver give the US half of the world's top ten busiest passenger airports. Of the top 20, the US has half.
Evidently, this would require an assembly line style system for processing passengers. Needless to say, the airports need a expedient way to herd cattle through the system.
An ambassador from India, I think that's where it was, that was going to Misstake to give a talk was patted down at the Jackson airport. Now that is insane. She said that she will never return. But for some reason this is the only anti-terrorism method the libs defend. I wonder why?
"An ambassador from India, I think that's where it was, that was going to Misstake to give a talk was patted down at the Jackson airport. Now that is insane. She said that she will never return. But for some reason this is the only anti-terrorism method the libs defend. I wonder why? "

She was profiled !


Isn't that what scanner critics want ? The sentiment sounds like....Don't make me go through those scanners. Just pick on "brown" people...well she must have been "brown" being from India.
What do you guys think about the no fly list? I was told once your on it, it also makes it illegal for you to own a gun. Also read they are adding Americans to it all the time, some of which have no record and even small children?

Is this stuff true or is just some conspiracy theory about back door gun control.
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The "no fly " list is blacklisting, which is justified if just cause is proven. Hopefully everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

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