2 of 3 people now subject to warrentless search and seizure of electronics


Key Reserve
Jan 12, 2011
Due to a new law to stop terrorists. (All they have to do to pass laws restricting freedom is say terrorists I guess)

The law says that anyone living within 100 miles of any border in the USA, (including those pesky terrorist overflowing the border areas of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans) are subject to unlimited search and seizure of any electronic devices without needing a warrant, a judges order, or even a reasonable suspicion.

The law also says that they can take your electronic devices out of your house for storage. They don't have to ever give them back. There is no recourse that you can take since the law gives blanket protection against any officer that wants to do this. Once again they don't even have to have a reasonable suspicion.

Arguments that this wont ever be used except in cases of terrorists or other extreme events are idiotic. Either change the fourth amendment or this is unconstitutional. The government has no right to look at my computer when ever they deem they want to.

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