wheres the outrage?!

sprint-draw gandy!

All American
May 30, 2004
I know EJ / football has gotten us accustomed to losing and basketball isn't football, but lets look and think about this basketball thing a minute.

we are at the lowest depths of the basketball program I have ever seen in my lifetime and its still sinking all this in a matter of weeks (or since the day Sadler was hired actually).

im not over-reacting. we are witnessing the EJ level collapse of basketball. this AD is a poison as far as im concerned. do we have the funds and does he have the balls to fire this ass-clown after one year like we did with EJ? im afraid there are too many built in excuses for Sadler, plus he (the AD) will make himself look bad by firing the guy he was responsible for hiring in the first place. he should man-up and admit he was wrong and fire the guy at years end (bc things WONT get any better...only worse). we shall see. least football is less than a year away from now and we should be improved and win a few more games. we already know baseball will be another wreck this year.

BTW...theres five (5) swac teams that haven't won a D-I game this year and three others that have won 1 (well, before JSU beat us tonight). this is the level of basketball USM is currently playing. no, actually USM is worse. they got beat by 20 points from one of the aforementioned teams. look at the link so those numbers can sink in a little bit.

This post was edited on 12/18 10:07 PM by sprint-draw gandy!
I think maybe folks are just sick of losing and coming on message boards and bitching about it. Anger has been replaced by apathy. Doc had a pretty average record, better than Ellis, but far from good. If he was a good coach he wouldn't be here, not at his age. He is a retread.
This is the worst hoops team since the 70's, probably. I think we went 0-27 one year, but I may be wrong. I am 53 and this is a debacle. The season held great promise then after Aaron Brown, Houston, and Avila quitting, our 2 best recruits going with Tyndall, and Eason showing up out-of-shape it looked bleak. Then the two quitters left and everyone of us saw the season circling the drain before December.
But, to address your gist of your post, there is nothing we can do. Bitching online has never helped. We don't have the money to pay coaches not to coach, especially in multiple sports. And we can't fire the AD on top of this. We are screwed. The answer is to really support these players and the university in these bad times. I hate it when players quit, and I hate it even more when our fans quit. I understand it, I don't blame fans per se, I just hate it.
Originally posted by usmstud:

You obviously weren't around for the James Green era or the first couple of Eustachy teams if you think this is lowest we have been.
yes i was here for both of those eras. and every one of those teams would beat the heck out of todays team. this is the worst ive seen it.
I go back to Jeep Clark, and this isn't the worst I have seen, but the worst I have seen in good while.
If we finish .500, then Doc is national coach of the year. I am pulling for him big time, but it has been
really hard to watch. But I am for him because he is our coach and I am a Golden Eagle.
I have a friend that is close to someone who was on the search committee for the basketball coach. He told me that his friend said that the committee was against hiring Sadler, but McGillis got on a plane without telling anyone on the committee, flew by himself to Sadler, and offered him the job.

Also, just something I saw when researching, but McGillis and Sadler worked together at Houston in the 80s. Hiring a friend it sounds like to me.
Blown out by 20 to an in school SWAC team on their court. I knew and stand by that Sadler was a poor hire. Tyndall left the program high and dry and can I safely assume that Tyndall scheduled the game in Jackson?
At first there was a lot of outrage about the shape of USM athletics. I remember the outrage at Ellis Johnson. I remember the outrage after losing to Western Kentucky in 2012 (when we first realized the depths of how bad it was getting.) I remember the outrage lasting for a while;

But the outrage faded. I remember how poorly our school administrators treated out fans during the Ellis Johnson crisis. (How badly our administrators treated our fans at the 2012 UAB game is something I will always remember.) Some of the "leadership" tried to blame the fans (and not their bad decisions). Many fans choose to leave, to do other things with there free time and entertainment dollars.
Re: wheres the outrage?! Outrage left USM in 2012 on the 2:00 bus.

I had a long time high school administrator tell me you could measure the success based on the football team's performance. Apparently this may apply to the college level as well.
That outrage should be towards our AD and former coach who got us in this situation. Tyndall won a lot of games but after the NCAA gets through with us due to Tyndall's alleged illegal Prop 48 practices, getting an improved roster will be tough. As far as Doc goes; prior to his last 2 years at Nebraska, he won more games than any prior Nebraska coach in his first 4 years. Now granted, it was Nebraska basketball. But he was the only school in the Big 12 (prior to their move to the Big 10) that did not have a practice facility and the academic exceptions went to football. (For obvious reasons). Bottom line, Doc didn't recruit good enough and Tim Miles has the benefit of the new practice faciilty and Brand new Downtown Arena.
The firing of two of Tyndall's current staff should tell us al,l that the writing is on the wall. I am not worried if our AD hired an old buddy or whatever. I am more worried that alleged such blatant disregard of NCAA Rules happened under his watch?
So if Doc is smart, we won't have to hope he gets canned after one year, because it will be in his best interest to bail from this firestorm. And somewhere in this thread I saw the words, " at his age." He is in his last years of coaching but he would not have taken the job unless he felt he could win the league. Personally, I think he belongs at a mid-major. I would guess that once he saw the lack of talent and character of players that he inherted, and now with the NCAA is up our butt with a microscope at no fault of his, the rebuilding of the dumpster fire is better left to an up and comer.
as for our "blatant disregard of NCAA Rules" just exactly which NCAA recruiting rules have Old Miss and Mistake have NOT broken ?

Bottom line our AD and President of this university are incapable of improving Southern Miss in either athletics or Academics.
We were always to be the "Delta State" of south Mississippi - insignificant....
I am not aware that the NCAA is up their butt with a microscope like they are ours??? They have interviewed ALL current players, as well as those that left via the coaching change. All of this leads to Tyndall; thus his 2 current assistants have already been fired at Tenn. His days are numbered as a college coach, and we will be left with loss of scholarships and post season bans.
James Green was one of the better coaches we had. Check his record.

Green's problem was that he had no support from the administration.

His main weakness was recruiting, but he was a very good coach. If the administration would've come up with enough money to hire a great recruiter it would've been a different story under Green. We would've won more than one championship.
This post was edited on 1/4 5:00 PM by ArmyEagle