I know a lot of you guys were wanting some info on Southern Miss recruiting. Here are targets ,some may be committed to other schools, but in the world of recruiting, it is fair game till signing day.... (If they have profiles will post those, if not, will give as much info as possible
Jervin Smith, Biloxi High School WR: Hudl Profile
Monterio Smith, Shades Valley High School: Hudl Profile
Nicholas Turner, Brother Martin High School, DB: BGN Article
Zhakerreun Wesley, Wayne County High, Ath: Hudl Profile
I will release more tomorrow, then the next day, etc. I figure with over 4 pages of recruits, this is the best way to do it. Hope this is what you guys are wanting.
Jervin Smith, Biloxi High School WR: Hudl Profile
Monterio Smith, Shades Valley High School: Hudl Profile
Nicholas Turner, Brother Martin High School, DB: BGN Article
Zhakerreun Wesley, Wayne County High, Ath: Hudl Profile
I will release more tomorrow, then the next day, etc. I figure with over 4 pages of recruits, this is the best way to do it. Hope this is what you guys are wanting.
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