have elevated cross-walks over Hardy St? Many many years ago, I lived in Elam Arms for a year and it was a nightmare for many kids crossing that street. Now, no dorms are there, but it's still a massive and widely used parking lot. All you need is two elevated cross-walks. One near the intersection by the music dept and one up by the main entrance and java werks. I know some one who researched it several years ago and it's not that expensive. Yes, the biggest issue before was handicap accessibility. People said there would need to be elevators, but you don't. Ramps do just as well. (Look at some beach front roads on the coast) There is space enough on both sides. The city should help pay for it as well. This isn't the first incident of a student struck, and it won't be the last unless something changes. Would also benefit gamedays when traffic (both motorized and foot) is at its worst.
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