In sincere honesty, how can we we acquire a new bball coach next year?


Sep 5, 2010
No disrespect to Doc. I'm sure he's a great guy and all that jazz but business is business. This forum is the largest, most interactive Southern Miss sports forum on the internet...a place to share ideas, ask questions, vent, etc........ but it's an OUTRAGE. Doc never should've been hired, period. Look at his track record at Nebraska. What needs to happen for us to acquire a new head coach next year? We've got to stop the bleeding while we still can. Sell games? Pony up money? E-mails to the AD/president? All of the above? I mean this in all sincerity and no disrespect to any bball player or staff. Yes, I know it's a long season....and I PRAY that I'll eat crow if we somehow win the conference tournament (which after all was Doc's selling point when he was hired and proclaimed at his presser: "I don't care anything about winning a lot of games. I care about one thing -- playing in the NCAA tournament.''...

...well, he didn't lie...he doesn't care about winning games because right now we are 3-9 (0-3 in conference).....and whether or not we'll be "playing in the NCAA tournament" is as bleak as it gets and remains to be seen.
We need to wait and see what his first recruiting class looks like after the first game of next season.