Feces storm in Louisville brewing. Pitino will no doubt


All Conference
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2002
survive, but the hiring of strippers, whores, and turning the campus into a brothel is disgusting. No word yet if Donnie Tyndall will be in the running if Rick gets fired (I kid, I kid) but Pitino's already tarnished reputation as a moral pariah will be further damaged.
This relates to us not at all, except with the major scandal at UNC-Chapel Hill and now Louisville, I am wondering if the NCAA drops the hammer on us and lets them skate. We'll see.
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I don't expect anything to come of this but imo there is no way in hell petino did not know about this. If it had been someone other than a staff member, maybe he doesn't know.

The ncaa has let NC skate for way they don't do the same for another perpetual contender. The ncaa can be described in many ways but fair is not one of them.
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Me too, and I am guessing they have a stricter morals rider in his contract, but he is a winner and they love winning. But after his 'youthful indiscretion' and the sordid details made the news I have to believe his leash is very short.