CUSA a failing model? (Article link)

Sun Herald basically saying that is CUSA doomed. I think some of his conclusions are missing all the facts. Like FAU’s attendance vastly improved from last year. Low yes, but still progress. Thoughts?


Yes, it looks like it's time to move on to some sort of 'regional' conference since we are not going to get into a P5 conference (ever). If the best we can hope for is a shot at the Independence bowl against a .500 P5 school, then we may as well try to lower travel costs across the board for all sports. A regional conference may actually boost attendance #'s for all schools involved. We already have basically zero revenue coming in via a TV deal so why does it matter that we even stay in CUSA? They really do not provide much benefit at this point.

Honestly, it would probably take me a few minutes to even come up with all the names of the other members of our conference, that's how little interest there is. I know I can't be the only one. I mean, I know all of them (barely), but they don't really just roll off the tongue.