For one he wasn't fired, his contract wasn't renewed. It happens everyday in the business world but it just so happens it rubs the Rebels the wrong way. I don't remember any stink being brought up when they got rid of of USM Martha Saunders. No one gave a rip. So some say I will withhold $20 million unless you keep him on so that it will delay a new science building. Do they really think that UMC and Ole Miss will cease to exist if he is not there ? Did the football program not go on without the mighty John Vaught and the favorite son Archie Manning. I have news for you, if Bill Gates died today, Micro Soft will keep on going. Did Apple not keep on going with the death Steve Jobs. Granted each person is respected for what they do but they can be replaced and will because things don't last forever. And besides, his contract was not renewed for a reason so get over it.
This post was edited on 3/23 9:57 PM by eagle ron
This post was edited on 3/23 9:57 PM by eagle ron