
These guys ideas are the worst I had ever heard of since the former Ethiopian monarch decided use an electric chair for his throne(I can't make this up).
I almost got angry with you for your reference to Berry ball, but you were right, my friend.
Unfortunately I have seen this team collapse at the worst times due to poor coaching choices. I certainly give Berry and company credit for winningba number of games, but the last two were inexcusable meltdowns. Maybe one day when we least expect it will come together. Every decision comes with risk and reward. For example, I recently took part in an outdoor grad ceremony. Good idea right? The only drawback is what if it rains? Probably won't but there is always the possibility. Well halway through the ceremony it poured! I say that to say that there always has to be a risk reward anslysis, and the risk too great to make pitching decisions that were made.