Spring Football: I thought it would be interesting to closely examine what is happening.

I have been reading articles throughout the Spring regarding what is taking place. I will start today with the defense.
  • Bignell appears to be doing a fantastic job of establishing unity and enthusiasm among the players. Last year’s individuality is a thing of the past.
  • The problems last year on defense were: Lack of communication left the players out of position. Poor adjustment on motions and shifts led to big plays. They were not able to line up quickly to adjust to hurry-up situations. Also, injuries played a big part. These problems were manifest in the defensive inability in the South Alabama game.
  • The defense will be a fly-to-the-ball and aggressive style. Last year, this was not the case with the wait-and-see style that did not work well.
  • Coach Bignell appears to be a fiery one who demands total effort but is also a fair one.
  • There are two main reasons to look for a better defense next year: the injection of SINGLE WORD play calling (more on that later) and two deep-in players.
  • I will have more on the defense later with my depth chart. I will also cover the new offense.
