USM aulm State Rep. Palazzo

Originally posted by Lanny Mixon:
Originally posted by eaglexcellence:
Exactly. He's conservative, he just doesn't have an (R) by his name.

I am sorry, he has made a few conservative stances in 20 years, but on the whole he is not a conservative. If you want to support the guy because you believe in his 80% Liberal and 20% conservative platform, then that's your right to do so, just stop pretending that Taylor is something that he clearly is not.

Taylor is consistently conservative on MOST of the KEY issues. Sorry, but I am flat out not a believer that the full blown "conservative" model works economically, (a.k.a. "trickle down.") It has been proven wrong just as strongly as the ridiculous stimulus approach we are taking today from the left's agenda. Cutting top tax rates and TALKING about cutting spending without ever actually doing it will leave us barely better than the economic ruin that the current leaders have us headed for.

Also, I am socially pretty liberal outside of the gun rights issues, and thus I don't mind when someone votes "liberal" as long as they can keep the economic impact minimal or non-existent. I literally only care about actually getting to retire one day and not having my kids and grandkids live in a country that is collapsing economically. In some cases, I believe that requires a "conservative" approach, and in some cases, a "liberal" one.

All of that said - I had the opportunity to meet Steven Palazzo last night at a USM fundraiser. I'm impressed. We didn't delve deeply into the specific topics all that much, but in 15 minutes or so of discussion, I got the sense that the guy is geniune - and that's not a feeling that I'm used to experiencing around politicians at ANY level.

I still maintain that we will experience a SERIOUS experience gap without Taylor there if Palazzo wins, but I did get the feeling that SP could be a great leader for MS one day.

If Republicans can shift the tide away from the Dems to get Pelosi out of the seat, we may even get an outside shot at Cochran becoming House Appropriations Chairman, and Palazzo would have a much bigger player with his back when working for MS.

But it's a gamble - let's see what happens in November.

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