The reason we didn't have oil booms for the oil spill...

Tampa Eagle

All Conference
Jun 17, 2003
In the 60's the goverment told the oil companies that they would be in charge of the oil booms. Then they sold all of them to other countries. Now, when we need them we have non. We had to go and buy back old ones from the other countries. Glen Beck uncovered this story. I've got an idea, let's turn over our health care to the goverment too, since they do such a good job.

P.S. It's not a left/right thing. This has been going on since the 60's. It's a big goverment thing vs. we the people thing.
"It's a big government thing vs. we the people thing."
That's right ! In what historical truth is the merits of big government
grounded in? What is the model...the prototype?
The power to the people can claim several examples of good government though history. The Greek republics, the Roman Republic, the founding fathers of the US, the British culture, Germany & Japan post world war, Canada, Australia, and so on.
What can big government proponents claim as their shining example? The Roman empire may have produced some relatively good eggs in Augustus, Trajan, or Hadrian, but it opened the doors to tyrants such as Nero, Caligula, Caracalla, Elagabalus, and the authoritarianism of a Diocletian.
Germany in the 30's turned towards more government....and we all know what happened next. Big Brother in the Soviet Union and China murdered millions.
Where will this trend toward bigger government lead us? It can't be good !
Look at modern Greece where the government mismanaged to the point of bankrupting itself. Now they attempt to cut out some of the "bread and circus" and the people riot in the streets.
With Obama and other doling out "bread and circus" with deficit spending, we will be rioting in the streets when the bubble burst?