O T: Dupree-Ware Trial. Which Ever Side Loses Will Appeal.

Eagle 70

BGN Pro Poster
Gold Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dupree will still be mayor. After a few years in the court system, a judgement will rendered. But in the mean time, Dupree will still be mayor.
I think they will expedite the appeal. It won't take years. Months, maybe. But not years.
You're right that there will be appeals, but it won't take a few years for an appeal to be heard, not even close. Cases like this tend to be handled faster than that.
I'm just being facetious. Trying to get some humor into the proceedings
Having to try this before a jury is idiotic. A case like this should be decided by a panel of judges or legislators that actually understand the law.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The jury just came out... cannot reach a 9-3 decision. They were instructed to try again. 5:30 pm. The judge did not send them home for tomorrow. He wants a verdict tonight.
Jury came out with a 9 to 3 decision. but after polling juror s vote was 8 to 4 therefore a mis trial declared. Justice in Hattiesburg lol
I'm not an attorney but I don't believe you can appeal a mistrial since no decision for either the Plantiff or the Defense was rendered. Believe it has to be tried again.

IMO Dave ware would be better of having only a judge or judges hear his pleas rather than trying it before a jury. With the ap animosity going on about TM situation in Florida, I just don't believe some people can be objective and meet their responsibility as a juror due to emotions..
I don't think the trial should have been held in Hattiesburg. It should have been moved to the coast or somewhere with out so many ties to the two parties.
Posted from Rivals Mobile