NY mosque building Iman shows true colors again..

Tampa Eagle

All Conference
Jun 17, 2003
Saw on TV where he stated that the United States was responsible for killing more innocent people that Al Queda. Wow! And his reasoning was becasue of the UN sanctions against Sadam. He didn't blame Sadam for muduring and torturing all those innocents, no, he blamed the United States. And still there are nuts that say he wants to build this to "build bridges" between the faiths. Well for those that believe him, I've got some swamp land for sell, but for you it's really on high ground and prime real estate. Yea, that's the ticket.
You are correct. This guy is attempting to build a 'victory mosque.' Why else would this location be so important to the developers, and why else would the developer dig in his heels?

Only those who fail to look closely at Islamic fundamentalism, what Muslims teach their children, what the Koran says, and how that culture has behaved for thousands of years, will understand what they are talking about. I recently started reading on the subject to find out for myself. This 'religion of peace' stuff is total nonsense, and the so-called holy teachings of the Muslim religion bear that out. Yet if you try and tell someone on the left about that, they don't want to hear it.

As for the mosque being proposed near Ground Zero, one should look at the tradition of the Muslims building mosques upon sites where they achieved victories over their enemies. The al-Aqsa mosque in Israel and the Cordoba mosque in Spain built over a Christian cathedral are but a couple of examples. Google it and you'll see a long list of these.

Sadly, many Americans are allowing their opinions to be shaped by the liberals on MSNBC and CNN. And the really astounding thing in all this is that for the first time, the American political left has decided to come out in defense of a particular religion. This is something the left has never done for Christianity, yet they are defending - ironically - a religion that holds to sharia law...a law that calls for the subjugation of women, execution by stoning for such offenses as adultery, beheading of homosexuals, and a host of other positions that are in stark opposite to traditional liberal positions.

The only explanation I see for this is that liberals see their defense of Islam not as an acceptance of their beliefs, but rather a political weapon that can be used in the United States against conservatives and Christians - two groups that are always in the crosshairs of the left. Yet the liberals should take care. Like a moth flying around a flame, sooner or later you'll get burned. One day the liberals may wake up and find the blanket of protection provided by a conservative, Judeo-Christian nation is gone.