NAACP is racist....not TEA parties


Dec 10, 2002
So the NAACP has proclaimed the TEA parties as "racist". That makes as much sense as Je$$ie Jack$on comparing the NBA to slavery.
You got to love that logic. Just because you are for smaller government and less social programs your a racist. It couldn't be that you understand you can't spend more than you make and stay in business.
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They and the media have lied about the racist signs and statements that have come from Tea Party supporters. There are no pictures of the signs that the NAACP is reporting. The spitting and N word that was "reported" to have been said by Tea Party supporters did not happen. There were loads of security, private recourdings, and media around and not one can come up with a witness. One man offered $100,000 for anyone with proof and no one came forward. It was all a lie. The Dems walked in through the crowd in a way they never come in trying to provoke something and when it did not happen, they made it up. Now there are far left organizations paying people to go to tea partys to try to stir things up. In St. Louis a black man was beaten up 2 left wing nuts, one black and one white and it is getting no coverage. The NAACP is supporting them for attacking the black man at the Tea Party and calling the black man a Uncle Tom. The main stream media and the NAACP is indeed racist.
The reason the left is desperate to malign the tea party movement is simple: the left is threatened by it. Any cause that champions greater liberty and smaller government, more individualism and lower taxes, and accountability from elected representatives (like a bill before you vote on it) is counter to what liberals want for this country.

We see this pattern across all issues:

If you support the tea party, you are a racist bigot, they say.
If you support the Second Amendment, you are a paramilitary, nutjob militia type, waiting to shoot up the shopping mall.
If you support welfare reform and job incentives, you hate the poor people.
If you support jailing captured terrorists, you are an enemy of civil rights.
Etc., etc., blah, blah...we all know the liberal line on all this stuff.

In actuality, it's the liberals who are the most oppressive people on earth. They thrive and gain power when people are dependent and powerless, and want to see us all reliant on a government that can never deliver on its promises.