Keith Olbermann


Key Reserve
Jan 20, 2005
I used to love Dan and Keith on Sports Center. Totally hate Countdown on MSNBC. I was wondering, am I the only person who is so happy that his arrogant, self loathing ass, is fired? Next I pray, Chris Matthews.
What is MSNBC? Never heard of it!
Why bring it up? Politics and religion talk only divides us. Doesn't USM sports do that enough on this forum? Why don't we just stick to sports for our school's sake.
Olbermann is a wannabe who has personally attacked and vilified folks he disagrees with...then acts so sickeningly pious after the Tuscon massacre.
Even liberals have grown weary of this buffoon. Good bye and good riddance.
I am one liberal Democrat who will miss Olbermann. Do you guys seriously find him more offensive than Hannity or Beck? Beck? The guy is a buffoon. I watch him and still have no idea what in the hell he said...Black/Gold
Olbermann -- condescending, pompous, weasely, whiny, clown. Not to be taken seriously. Ever.

Hannity -- tolerable delivery, very little substance, rarely says anything of importance.

O'Reilly -- arrogant blowhard. Probably wears tube sock in crotch.

Beck --Chicken Little, and just weird.

I say turn them ALL off and form your own opinions. Or just read Greenwood Eagle's posts on the pay board. He's as wise a sage as any of the above-mentioned schmucks.
The difference between us conservatives and you libs is that when we really dislike someone in the media it is not because we disagree with their positions and think they are stupid. It is the people that attack those that they disagree with on a personal basis and spread lies about conservatives. A libs position is not offensive, we just disagree. The position will fail on its on. It's the buffoons like Olbermann that won't stick to the issues and get into personal attacks and lies that we don't like. I personally hate to see him go. He was always so good for making the left so silly. But then there are plenty more to take up the slack.
Libs continually confuse disagreement on ideas and opinion and even exposing the facts and what the left actually says with the hate the media on the left spews out. Haven't seen Beck or Hannity yell about Obama "is he a pathological liar or the idiot in chief" like Olbermann did. Now they will go after him on the issues and what he says and does, and do it hard. Don't confuse the two. It's actually not about left/right, it's about anarchy/tyranny, and where we need to be between the two. The founding fathers knew that we should be far away from tyranny, but needed a central government to keep away anarchy. The left is taking us at warp speed to tyranny with Obama. Read the founding fathers, not what the historians from the modern times say to find out what they believed.
I don't think many political pundits attended the Vulcan mind academy where reason takes precedence over mere emotion.
With political pundits, they attach the other person's intelligence or character, in that the attacker is unable to defend their views with logic.