Kaepernick and USM players retweeting crap in support of him...

Angry Eagle

All Conference
Oct 28, 2002
I've seen at least one prominent player doing this. I'm sorry I refuse to support any Southern Miss player that feels like Kaepernick. I don't want them on our team and don't want them representing our university.
What's the deal with Kaapernick? I don't get the argument...little help, little help here.
Wasn't he raised by two white parents that adopted him. He is a year away from being out of the NFl anyway. He's probably going to become Muslim and change his name! Good riddance.
Media and political profiteers have convinced people that they are perpetual victims even when they make millions per year...unbelievable.
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Oops...should have read the next post. Saw the article. It bothers me not if he does or doesn't, that is the true beauty of the USA, you are free to dissent without consequence of law.
Yep...just like others are allowed to comment on the lack of class and frankly pure ignorance of his actions and those that support it. Not talking about his right to do it, but the action itself.
Why are you grown ass men stalking these football players? If you don't like what they say, yoy can click the unfollow. Reporting to the President...seriously. "free speech"
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So an adult representing an enterprise has free speech but the investors of that enterprise don't? Brilliant
I dropped Dr. B a message that maybe a word with Coach Hop might avert a PR blunder.
They're kids, and have every right. But division is the last thing we need.
You think the guy who removed our state's flag from campus is going to do anything about this?
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I just talked to one of the players to let him and other players know they have grown men stalking them and reporting what they say to Hopson. Why are you following these young men if you don't like what they post on there page and have a fit when you disagree them.. Click the unfollow button.
So you did the exact same thing you are whining about? And why do you keep saying grown men? Do we have any minors on our football team? Aren't all parties involved grown men? And if you totally support what they say and there is nothing wrong with it then why does it matter if someone passes along what they are tweeting?
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Kaepernick may think he is doing right by sitting, but this action will prove to be his professional downfall. There are other ways to deliver the message. Using his employer is outright f***ING stupid.
Don't know what his objection may be. African Americans men are in every commercial on TV. Mostly with a white woman. They make up 13% of the population but are in every sport in mass, every business and all aspects of society. Stand up you dumb ass.