Congrats PensacolaEagle, GOP to put Hillary in in 2016


Key Reserve
Jul 9, 2012
Looks like Hillary and the Dems will have their way in the future. The GOP has decided, according to the Wall St Journal, to do two things to make sure the party goes to the middle: they will punish any Congressional committee members who don't tow the line and go along with the big government programs and the support the immigration bill. They will also put all of their support to middle of the road candidates and will not support any strong conservatives, in national and local races. Meanwhile it continues to be the conservatives that the media is reporting as the ones in the party who are strong arming the party. Not so.

This will result in candidates who will not excite their party base and will not get out the vote and the Republicans will lose. All one has to do is look at the last presidential election to see how it is done. Obama got out his base by going hard left and won. Romney went to the center and his base stayed home because they didn't want a "Democrat light' candidate like we've had in the past with McCain and Bush.

So the Republicans will keep putting up Democrat light candidates, which will mean that there is basically no difference between the parties. Just one will spend and grow the government faster than the other one.

Congrats to Hillary and you, Pensacola. 8 more years of horrible economic conditions and terrible conditions for the poor. But there is good news, the rich and the mega-corporations will continue to do very well as they always do under big government.
This country could not survive 4 more years of liberal leadership. Hell, we may not survive the last 2 of the current regime. People are sick of Obama, and his approval ratings are at Bush levels. No way will the American electorate get duped by the left again. Momentum is swinging back to the right.
Been out of the Hub lately guys, hope you and Legendary had great holidays with those you love. I can't wait to get back over here and correct you two goober heads again. Lol...soon guys, I am enjoying watching the GOP emplode, Christie get barbequed and listening to Mark Levin have a stroke....SMTTT
I guess you haven't been paying much attention lately. Obama and the Dems are the ones imploding. Conservatives are happy about Christie finally getting exposed. Good things are happening for Conservatives.
Originally posted by Legendary Eagle:
I guess you haven't been paying much attention lately. Obama and the Dems are the ones imploding. Conservatives are happy about Christie finally getting exposed. Good things are happening for Conservatives.
I never saw Christie as a viable national candidate. He would have gone over like a turd in the punch bowl to Southerners. I could see the nice ladies in S.C. smiling and welcoming him, but never, ever voting for him. I don't see a strong national GOP candidate. Lee perhaps, Cruz...notta, chance. Who do you think?
I won't know until people start throwing their hats into the race and we can learn about them through the debates. Two and a half years before the race is a ridiculous time to be speculating. Nobody outside of Chicago, and the few people that paid extra close attention to the 2004 Dem convention had even heard of Obama in 2006.

My personal preference is a staunch fiscal Conservative that refuses to get caught up debating the left's useless wedge issues like gays, abortion, class warfare, and other things that they use to scare people into voting for them. We need somebody that can pound the left on the horrid state of the economy, Obamacare, falling wages, the left's dismantling of the middle class, and other serious liberal issues that are destroying out country economically.

This post was edited on 2/5 6:09 PM by Legendary Eagle
You figure those in the GOP who are truly interested would be building a campaign. Lots to do if you are serious. I know that Hillary already has the ground work moving, with investors and volunteers. Uncle Joe will not run if Hillary declares. I would not be surprised if the GOP nominee comes from the many Governors.
I think Scott Walker could be an interesting candidate. A Conservative that keeps on winning in a liberal state. Took on the unions and won. But there are literally dozens of quality guys out there that nobody even knows much about yet. All of which would be light years better than Hillary "What difference does it make anyway" Clinton.
Originally posted by PensacolaEagle:
You figure those in the GOP who are truly interested would be building a campaign. Lots to do if you are serious. I know that Hillary already has the ground work moving, with investors and volunteers. Uncle Joe will not run if Hillary declares. I would not be surprised if the GOP nominee comes from the many Governors.
I really wish Joe Biden would run. I will miss his miss-steps when he is no longer around. Too bad the press does not report him like they did Dan Quail. Bet no one heard him say on two occasions he was glad a shooting/bombing happened as he did on the anniversary of the Boston bombing. He has said more dumb things that no one has heard of than any politician ever. That said, I will truly miss him because many times his mistakes are because he says something he actually believes. Then they realize it goes 100% against what Obama has just said. Then they have to run out damage control.

Don't worry, Pensacola. The Repubs will not be organized. They will spend too much time attacking the conservative base of the party. Then a moderate just like the last two will win the nomination. The Dems will go left and turn out the base. Hillary will win because the conservative base will not turn out. But the GOP will still say the way to win is to go moderate as they lose another one.
My favorite Joe Biden idiotic moment was when he was thanking a wheelchair bound wounded veteran, and he told to "stand up so everyone can see ya!" What a dope. I too wish he would run. I have a feeling that Hillary may not even run. She totally collapsed from the media scrutiny, and is now in hiding.
Originally posted by Legendary Eagle:
My favorite Joe Biden idiotic moment was when he was thanking a wheelchair bound wounded veteran, and he told to "stand up so everyone can see ya!" What a dope. I too wish he would run. I have a feeling that Hillary may not even run. She totally collapsed from the media scrutiny, and is now in hiding.
Legendary, funny story about Uncle Joe. Really made me laugh. Guess Rand Paul is not going to run for President, now that he has announced for Senate. Doesn't mean he won't get an inquiry for V P. Jeb looks to be seriously considering. He would be a strong national candidate, probably can't get his party',s nomination. I will admit that he was a good Governor of Florida. Things are heating up...gonna be fun for a junkie like me.
Nue.... Looks like House Republicans shot down Benghazi as a campaign issue for the GOP. Funny how all the radio/TV/internet pundits were so far from the facts...have to admit I am not surprised. Sweet!
Originally posted by PensacolaEagle:
Nue.... Looks like House Republicans shot down Benghazi as a campaign issue for the GOP. Funny how all the radio/TV/internet pundits were so far from the facts...have to admit I am not surprised. Sweet!
There are about 100 different versions of what happened in Benghazi. Doesn't really matter now. The damage to Hillary and Obama has been done. Should Hil-liar-y decide to run, the sound bite of her "what difference does it make?" comment about the people who died there will be played over and over. Between that, and the fact that every time she opens her mouth something stupid comes out (we wuz po when we left the White House!), I doubt she even runs. She is a disastrous nincompoop that has nothing to run on other than her last name.
Originally posted by PensacolaEagle:

Originally posted by Legendary Eagle:
My favorite Joe Biden idiotic moment was when he was thanking a wheelchair bound wounded veteran, and he told to "stand up so everyone can see ya!" What a dope. I too wish he would run. I have a feeling that Hillary may not even run. She totally collapsed from the media scrutiny, and is now in hiding.
Legendary, funny story about Uncle Joe. Really made me laugh. Guess Rand Paul is not going to run for President, now that he has announced for Senate. Doesn't mean he won't get an inquiry for V P. Jeb looks to be seriously considering. He would be a strong national candidate, probably can't get his party',s nomination. I will admit that he was a good Governor of Florida. Things are heating up...gonna be fun for a junkie like me.
Joe Biden, the gift that keeps on giving.
Originally posted by PensacolaEagle:

Originally posted by Legendary Eagle:
My favorite Joe Biden idiotic moment was when he was thanking a wheelchair bound wounded veteran, and he told to "stand up so everyone can see ya!" What a dope. I too wish he would run. I have a feeling that Hillary may not even run. She totally collapsed from the media scrutiny, and is now in hiding.
Legendary, funny story about Uncle Joe. Really made me laugh. Guess Rand Paul is not going to run for President, now that he has announced for Senate. Doesn't mean he won't get an inquiry for V P. Jeb looks to be seriously considering. He would be a strong national candidate, probably can't get his party',s nomination. I will admit that he was a good Governor of Florida. Things are heating up...gonna be fun for a junkie like me.
Jeb is running but he can't win. The conservatives like me will not vote for him. He's too much like Hillary. A recent poll said that 30% of Republicans are fed up with the party and ready to leave. The reason - because the GOP thinks like you Pensacola and wants to go moderate. They keep doing that and not standing for anything. We now have a two party system: the progressive big government party (Republicans) and the far left extremist party (Democrats).