Are You Kidding Me?

Standing in EE

BGN Pro Poster
Oct 29, 2002
A Mississippi KKK license plate?

Our state leader refuses to denounce it?

Will Mississippi ever learn?
Mississippi needs to do better socially. This state is last at everything for a reason! Ain't nothing wrong with driving in the slow lane and enjoying your rights....but man, it's like Mississippi has to be SHAMED before the right thing is done!

Barbour has denounced this though. Or, he said that it would never pass and become an actual plate. Then again, he is on his way out....
He refused to denounced it. Watched the interview. He said he would never happen, but he refused to denounce it.

Not being from Mississippi, and knowing how Mississippi is thought of by people who have never spent any time here, and most have not, it certainly sends out the wrong signal. Again.
Did he say, "I refuse to denounce it", or did he simply not take the opportunity to denounce it? There's a difference.
This post was edited on 2/19 7:27 PM by Eaglebird Humperdink
He had the chance, actually several chances to denounce it and refused to do so, only saying it would never happen.

What he should have done is flatly and firmly denounced it, anything short of that sends out a negative reflection of Mississippi once again.

Not to mention that if he was going to run for President, that is now over hopefully. If not, this subject will be visited again and again so that anyone who missed it the first time will hear it over and over.
Not to ugly here, but some people know NOTHING of American history !
This is NOT a KKK would be a Son's of Confederate Veterans plate honoring civil war heroes. If one doesn't feel that the SCV should be allowed to honor Civil War hero then that makes that one the BIGOT.
No one is forcing anyone to put Forrest on your car, but if you do wish to have a certain plate...that's your right.
Mind your own business people !
As for Mississippi being isn't the "rednecks" that skew such statistics. The "bad schools" are not in the "redneck" areas. "rednecks" don't have a relatively high illegitimacy rate. "rednecks" don't cause urban decay in Jackson.
Civil War...want to talk about the Civil War ? Slavery ? we can discuss slavery.
First...Those who bemoan American slavery do tend to assume the black Africa was robbed of her children. Not Africa sold her own children into slavery. The Atlantic slave trade's first link was forged by black leaders selling black Africans into slavery. Second, by the American revolution slavery was already entrenched into the economic fabric. The founding fathers didn't decide to be a slave tolerating already was by then. The debate was how do you deal with it. States where slavery was an economic liability ended it in ways which were convenient towards white people...compensation to owners and through attrition. In Pennsylvania slaves were not freed, but no new slaves were added. Nice and easy, as a matter of fact the last slave died in Pennsylvania in 1847.
Some have attributed a egalitarian myth to the Northern war cause. I'm sorry but the 1860's were not an egalitarian age. Tell the native Americans just how egalitarian the Republican party was in the 19th century.
Why did the South leave the Union ? Because they feared the tyrannical powers of the federal government. They feared that certain radical abolitionist would use the slavery issue to destroy the country. I think the Southern secessionist were largely vindicated when the federal troops burned Jackson and starved Vicksburg.
Mississippi fought a war of self defense...and self defense is that most just of causes. For the South, it WAS the second American revolution.
And NO.... Lincoln didn't start the war simply to end slavery. Honest Abe used executive powers to suspend habeas corpus to silence those who disagreed. He shut down papers which were anti-government.
This "moral evil" of slavery as the cause of war is simply a red herring to justify tyranny on the federal level, much like Saddam Hussein's crimes against the Kurds was used to justify "preemptive" war against Iraq.
There is a concept called a Procrustean bed where someone acts then creates a "reason" to justify case of war you construct a war then create a cause to justify that war. In the Civil War, the federal government attacked the South in order to assert its hegemony. Tariffs, for one thing, were the primary source of federal revenue. Succession in general would be the undoing of such federal hegemony.
In Iraq, the US government wished to assert its hegemony and replace Saddam with ones more pro-Western. The Kurds be darned !
Well certainly if Africans wanted to sell thier children we should have purchased them and held them, thier children, grandchildren and great grandchildren in slavery!

NBF was also a early organizer and leader in the Klan.